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INTERIM REPORT JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2014 Thomas Axelsson, CEO Mikael Engblom, CFO 1.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERIM REPORT JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2014 Thomas Axelsson, CEO Mikael Engblom, CFO 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERIM REPORT JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2014 Thomas Axelsson, CEO Mikael Engblom, CFO 1

2 SUMMARY Q3  Sales growth +12% in local currencies adjusted for STEEN Solution sales 2013  Operating profit of 44 MSEK (35% margin) After the end of the period  Agreement to acquire all the shares of Unisense FertiliTech A/S 2

3 AMERICAS EMEA ASIA & PACIFIC SALES AND GROWTH PER REGION* SHARE OF VITROLIFE’S SALES ROLLING 12-MONTHS +9%*** Total Q3 GROWTH RATE COMPARED TO LAST YEAR IN LOCAL CURRENCIES +6%* +19% 17% 47% 36% +2%** 3 * +12% excluding laser equipment distributor sales 2013 ** +8% excluding STEEN Solution sales to Xvivo 2013 *** +12% excluding STEEN Solution sales to Xvivo 2013


5 KEY FINANCIALS GROUP 5 The third quarter operating profit increased by 89 percent. 2014 Q3 2013 Q3 2014 Q1-Q3 2013 Q1-Q3 Sales, MSEK125109374329 Gross Margin %71%67%69%66% M&S / Sales %19%23%22%24% Admin / Sales %12%11%12% R&D / Sales %6%11%8%11% Operating Result, MSEK442310759 Operating Margin %35%21%29%18% Cash flow from operations, MSEK553110768 Earnings per share, SEK1.790.854.072.06 Net Debt / EBITDA rolling 12m-0.60.2-0.60.2

6 UNISENSE FERTILITECH A/S  Founded 2003 in Aarhus, Denmark  70 employees  Turnover 2013: 94 MSEK  EBITDA 2013: -25 MSEK  EmbryoScope ® time-lapse incubator, used in two thirds of all the IVF cycles in the world where time-lapse technology is used  EmbryoScope ® has been used in more than 200.000 IVF treatments in 47 countries.  Sales mainly through distributors  Assembly and test of equipment in-house  R&D in-house 6

7 EMBRYOLOGIST DILEMMA Observation = Information  Visual observation give essential information about development  Multi-stage scoring improve ability to select a viable embryo Observation = Stress  Remove embryos from incubator change: –Temperature –CO 2 & O 2 –Handling mistakes…  Adverse conditions can impede growth and harm embryo 7

8 TRANSACTION RATIONALE  Offer customers flexible time-lapse solutions on the basis of their needs and requirements.  Positive contribution to future product generations.  Time-lapse, currently used in more than 5 percent of all the IVF cycles in the world, has the potential to become a standard tool in IVF treatments.  Together with the rest of Vitrolife’s product range, this creates an interesting foundation for future growth opportunities.  With its global market presence, strong brand and complementary product range, Vitrolife is the right strategic partner for FertiliTech.  Vitrolife and FertiliTech share the same vision about helping people to fulfil their dream of becoming parents. 8 Juan, first EmbryoScope TM time-lapse system child born in Spain June 2010

9 TERMS AND TIME-PLAN  The purchase sum amounts on a debt-free basis to 1,980,000 newly issued shares in Vitrolife and to a cash purchase sum of SEK 90 million.  In connection with the acquisition the company’s net debts will be offset against the purchase sum.  Dilution of existing shareholders of approximately 9 percent.  An earn-out corresponding to a value of 1,308,656 shares may be paid in addition to the fixed purchase sum.  Vitrolife estimates that the acquisition will be completed during November 2014.  It is expected that the transaction will affect Vitrolife’s EBITDA per share negatively during 2014 and 2015 but contribute positively as from 2016. 9

10 OUTLOOK 2014  Market growth 5-10 % in monetary terms  Continuous growth in Emerging markets  Integration of FertiliTech focusing on profitable growth and internal processes  Development focused towards improving the stress-free environment 10

11 Contact: Thomas Axelsson, CEO,, +46 31 721 80 01 Mikael Engblom, CFO,, +46 31 721 80 14

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