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Rome Spreads its Power Roman Legions- 5000 men, then divided into 80 men, Flexible & supported by cavalry, self-sufficient, built roads & bridges. Carried-

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Presentation on theme: "Rome Spreads its Power Roman Legions- 5000 men, then divided into 80 men, Flexible & supported by cavalry, self-sufficient, built roads & bridges. Carried-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome Spreads its Power Roman Legions- 5000 men, then divided into 80 men, Flexible & supported by cavalry, self-sufficient, built roads & bridges. Carried- armor, sword, shield, dagger, stakes, pot, & other clothing Every land owning citizen had to serve, some 10 years for certain jobs

2 Cont Rome controls Italy Rome controls trade, wine, olive oil, on the Mediterranean Carthage- Located on North Africa challenges Rome for control of trade This begins the Punic Wars

3 Punic Wars 264-146 B.C. 1 st - Fought to control Sicily, Rome wins 2 nd -218 B.C.- Hannibal & 50,000 men treck through Spain, over the Alps, & into Italy, they raid for 10 years, at Cannae he inflicts great damage to Rome Rome finds Scipio to match Hannibal, His plan is to attack Carthage, This forces Hannibal Back to Defend the city.202B.C. 3 rd -149 B.C.-Cato, old dude, ends all his speeches, “Carthage must be Destroyed” 146 B.C. City burned & 50,000 sold into slavery

4 Roman Empire Brings Change Rome’s Class inequalities lead to republics downfall Returning soldiers had lost farms or could not compete with slave labor The landless and unskilled could not find jobs The joined the ranks of urban poor, ¼ the population

5 The Republic Collapses Two Brothers, Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus Try to help the poor, the rich kill them 121-82 B.C. –Period of Constant Civil Wars Julius Caesar takes control 59 B.C. with the help of Crassus & Pompey, This is the First Triumvirate- Last 10 years

6 cont Caesar- Strong leader & Military Genius 58-50 B.C.- Fights in Gaul Pompey becomes scared, urges senate to disband the legions, Caesar- no way jose, Marches past the Rubicon River & toward Rome Pompey Runs Scerd, In 46 He is appointed Dictator, 44 for life

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