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SECTION TWO: THE ROMAN EMPIRE. I. The Republic Suffers  Increasing wealth & expanding boundaries brought many problems 1.discontent among lower classes.

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2 I. The Republic Suffers  Increasing wealth & expanding boundaries brought many problems 1.discontent among lower classes 2.breakdown of military order  problems led to break up of republic

3 A. The Republic Collapses  Gap b/w rich/poor widens as Roman Republic grows, rich live on huge estates, poor struggle to survive  Farmers, former soldiers lose farms to larger estates, become homeless

4  2 brothers and members of Tribune, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, try to help poor but make numerous enemies in senate, eventually murdered  Their reforms included:  Limiting size of an estate  Giving land to poor  After their deaths civil war broke out- war b/w groups w/in same country

5 B. Military Upheaval  Military becomes less disciplined & disloyal  Soldiers recruited from poor, show loyalty only to their generals, not to Rome

6 II. Julius Caesar Takes Control  Roman General, Julius Caesar joins forces w/ Crassus, a wealthy Roman and Pompey, another popular general  Caesar elected consul and forms first triumvirate w/ Crassus and Pompey- a group of 3 rulers

7  Caesar served as consul for 1 year  then led army north to conquer Gaul (France)  Caesar gained army’s loyalty, very popular in Rome  Pompey skeptical of Caesar, urges senate to make Caesar disband his army  Caesar ignores orders, returns to Rome w/ army, Pompey flees  Caesar’s army catches up w/ Pompey, defeats him  Caesar returns to Rome, appointed dictator for life


9 A. Caesar’s Reforms  Governed as an absolute ruler  Reforms: 1.Grants Roman citizenship to many ppl in provinces 2.Expands senate, adding friends and supporters 3.Creates jobs for poor w/ construction of new public buildings 4.Started colonies where ppl w/o land could own property 5.Increased pay for soldiers

10  nervous about Caesar’s popularity, Brutus and Cassius plot his assassination on March 15, 44 BC

11 III. Beginning of the Empire  43 BC Caesar’s supporters take control  Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus become Second Triumvirate- Alliance ends in jealousy and war

12 Octavian defeats Mark Antony/Cleopatra at battle of Actium Octavian became unchallenged ruler of Rome, accepted title of Augustus, “exalted one” Even though Augustus restored some pieces of Republic, Rome now ruled by one man as an Empire

13 A. A Vast and Powerful Empire  From beginning of Augustus’ rule, Rome was at its peak  207 year period of peace known as Pax Romana—“Roman Peace”  Empire consisted of 3 million square miles and a population around 80 million

14 B. A Sound Government  Augustus was Rome’s best ruler, ruled during Pax Romana, created a lasting system of gov’t  Glorifies Rome w/ beautiful public buildings  Sets up civil service to administer empire: hired ppl to manage grain supply, taxes, postal system…  Even after his death, Rome remained stable b/c of his system of civil service

15 C. Agriculture and Trade  Agriculture most important industry in empire, about 90% of ppl involved in farming  Rome had a vast trading network  traded w/ Corinth in Greece, Ephesus in Anatolia, Antioch in the East, China and India CC- Rome

16 IV. The Roman World - Emphasized the values of discipline, strength, and loyalty

17 A. Slaves and Captivity  Slavery significant part of Roman life in both cities and farms  Slaves were conquered ppls= 1/3 of pop.  Some slaves were gladiators, professional fighters, forced to fight for entertainment of the crowd  Occasionally slaves would rebel, but none were successful

18 B. Gods and Goddesses  Early Romans worshipped spirits called numinia. Also had lares- guardian spirits of each family  Important Roman gods:  Jupiter- father of the gods  Juno- Jupiter’s wife, watched over women  Minerva- goddess of wisdom, arts  Religion and gov’t closely linked– worship of the emperor part of religion


20 C. Society and Culture  rich lived well—large homes, gardens, slaves, luxury items  most were very poor and supported by the gov’t—given a daily grain ration  Poor lived in cheap housing, fire a constant danger  To control the masses gov’t provided free entertainment—races, mock battles, and gladiator contests  Most famous gladiators fought in the Roman Colosseum, a huge arena that could hold 50,000



23 ASSIGNMENT Turn to page 182 in your book Read the information on the Colosseum and answer the 2 “Connect to Today” questions in your journal

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