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Ana-Elena Rugina (ASTRIUM Satellites) © EADS ASTRIUM. All rights reserved. September 2009 Astrium Activities around Gene-Auto in 2009.

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1 Ana-Elena Rugina (ASTRIUM Satellites) © EADS ASTRIUM. All rights reserved. September 2009 Astrium Activities around Gene-Auto in 2009

2 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p2 Outline  Context  Case Study  Status  Conclusion

3 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p3 Context (1/2)  OBSYS EADS Demonstrator  Objectives  Increase system and software engineering technologies maturity for a faster integration in each BU On-Board Systems business  Focus on development process optimization and future architectures framework analysis  Sharing EADS best practices, methods and tools in software-intensive embedded systems  Build and develop a common EADS On-Board Systems demonstration platform  Use Cases  Topics of common interest in several Business Units  Gene-Auto related use cases performed by Airbus and Astrium SAT, feedback of interest for other BUs (e.g., Astrium ST)

4 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p4 Context (2/2)  Gene-Auto maintenance contract  Stakeholders  Users: Airbus, Astrium  Providers: Alyotech, IBKrates  Purposes  Bug fixes  User support (e.g., on backend development and usage of Gene-Auto toolset)  Documentation update  Usage of common tool for support requests  Periodic CCBs gathering all stakeholders  Prioritization of the actions wrt available budget  Distribution of charges among the users  Decisions about new releases

5 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p5 Case Study – DIVAS Demonstrator  Demonstrator of new avionics features of AstroSat 250 platform (LEO missions)  AstroSat 250 features  LEON3-based computer  New generation of actuators (i.e., start tracker)  Gyroless AOCS mode based on star tracker and on control moment gyro actuators  Single rate (16Hz)  Demonstrator characteristics  Strict separation between Simulink models of FSW and of the rest of the World  Model compliant with RTW autocoding constraints

6 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p6 Test Bench Overview SimTG RTS / Real time Linux 1553 PPS Ethernet1 Ethernet2PCI/VME Simulation kernel 1553 I/F Ethernet I/F Synchro I/F VME I/F CMG, STR, MTQ, GPS core models & Environment model CMG, STR, MTQ, GPS 1553 model I/F STR SCOE I/F 1553 model CMG SCOE I/F Ethernet STR SCOE Ethernet STR SCOE Ethernet OBC mockup OBSW DHS (specific) OBSW normal mode Application SW 1553 PPS SPWUART SPW to Ethernet RS422 to RS232 3 images One per optical head Wheel speed & Angular position CMG SCOE VME STR 1553PPS CMG 1553 UART Ethernet1 Ethernet2 SimTG CCS / Linux SIMOPS & JSynoptic GSIF DSU MATLAB/Simulink desktop computer OBSW normal mode Application SW CMG, STR, MTQ, GPS Environment model RTW code generation Gene-Auto code generation

7 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p7 OBSW Model Characteristics  Size  3186 blocks  10 hierarchical levels  ~2000 constant initializations in.m file (originally the init was done through the workspace, i.e., a.mat file)  Many structures  Usage of Matlab functions (e.g., trigonometric)  One S-function  Many Embedded Matlab blocks for the core algorithms

8 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p8  Necessity of model adaptation  Creation of.m file from the.mat file  artisanal method (automatic extraction for scalars, manual extraction for structures)  Creation of 2 (simple) mode automata in Stateflow (as replacement to two Embedded Matlab blocks encoding automata)  Data ports, states, transitions, junctions  Removal of Matlab expressions in constant blocks  Replacement of unsupported blocks by equivalent sets of supported blocks wherever possible  Replacement of Embedded Matlab blocks by S-functions generated with RTW  Practical integration problems (necessity of wrapping, naming problem as RTW generates functions and files with the same names from different blocks)  Not a nominal usage of Gene-Auto  Necessity to add blocks in the library of supported blocks  ~ 15 blocks identified (mostly blocks from the Simulink library, e.g., matrix operations, transfer functions) Status (1/2)

9 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p9 Status (2/2)  The identified bugs were reported and fixed  Code generation achieved on parts of the model (including stateflow charts)  To do  Develop the necessary backends  Continue integration of code generated by RTW from the Embedded Matlab blocks  Generate code from the entire OBSW model and perform functional validation in closed loop as S-function integrated in the Simulink model

10 ASTRIUM Satellites This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. 23/09/2009 // Meeting Gene-Auto2 // p10 Conclusion  The current maintenance organization  Seems effective, allows federating efforts both on user and provider sides  Preliminary experimentation wrt OPEES  Foreseen Gene-Auto enhancements by Astrium  Enrich the block library  Support for Embedded Matlab

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