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# LESSON DESCRIPTION/NAMEDUE DATE COMPLETED 1Pop Art Transfer Drawing 2Pop Art Poster 3Impressionism Worksheet 4Impressionism Review Worksheet 5Impressionism.

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Presentation on theme: "# LESSON DESCRIPTION/NAMEDUE DATE COMPLETED 1Pop Art Transfer Drawing 2Pop Art Poster 3Impressionism Worksheet 4Impressionism Review Worksheet 5Impressionism."— Presentation transcript:


2 # LESSON DESCRIPTION/NAMEDUE DATE COMPLETED 1Pop Art Transfer Drawing 2Pop Art Poster 3Impressionism Worksheet 4Impressionism Review Worksheet 5Impressionism Pastel 63 rd Quarter Vocabulary Terms 73 rd Quarter Vocabulary Quiz 8Cubism Worksheet 9Cubism Review Worksheet 10Cubism Pastel 11Paint Brush Anatomy Worksheet 12Expressionism Worksheet

3 Art 1 Second Semester Really Fun Introduction

4 Art 1 Course Goals Become familiar with the language of art Refinement of visual perception Apply principles and elements in art production Develop skills in manipulating visual arts media and materials Express ideas imaginatively through the production of 2D and 3D artwork The opportunity to exhibit

5 Art 1 Course Goals Evaluate artworks past and present Understand art reflects, shapes and records history and human culture Incorporate aesthetic analysis, interpretation and judgment in one’s work Research art-related careers Utilize multimedia technology as it relates to art

6 The Art 1 Course Fee is $25.00 (Twenty Five Dollars)

7 Classroom Procedures Operations &

8 In The Future: Assignments should be completed and submitted for a grade on or before the due date

9 In The Future Your attention & courtesy are expected during lectures & demonstrations Your respect for the classroom & classmates is the standard

10 Think… Am I being purposeful when moving through the class? Am I on time? Am I prepared for & dismissing at the appropriate time? Is my personal electronic device use appropriate for the class?

11 Think… About your performance Grades Effort Attitude Behavior

12 In the Future Refer to the student handbook regarding classroom behaviors and guidelines

13 Return Tools & Media Properly

14 No Food or Drink Permitted in Class

15 In The Future Don’t waste class supplies Don’t store shared items in your storage area NO TAGGING

16 Claim Ownership of:

17 The Classroom

18 Your Grades

19 Your Destiny

20 Classroom Cafeteria

21 All Art I classes dismiss at the bell




25 The new Clark High School tardy policy allows six minutes to pass between classes and is a zero tolerance strategy


27 Staff Directory My Pages


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