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1. There comes to my heart one sweet strain, A (sweet strain) glad and a joy - ous re - frain, I sing it a - (re - frain)

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Presentation on theme: "1. There comes to my heart one sweet strain, A (sweet strain) glad and a joy - ous re - frain, I sing it a - (re - frain)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. There comes to my heart one sweet strain, A (sweet strain) glad and a joy - ous re - frain, I sing it a - (re - frain)

2 gain and a - gain, Sweet Peace, peace, sweet peace, won - der - ful peace from a-bove, Oh, (a - bove) peace, the gift of God’s love.

3 won-der-ful, won-der-ful peace, Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love.

4 2. Thru Christ on the cross peace was made, My (was made) debt by His death was all paid, No oth - er foun - (all paid)

5 da - tion is laid, For Peace, peace, sweet peace, won - der - ful peace from a-bove, Oh, (a - bove) peace, the gift of God’s love.

6 won-der-ful, won-der-ful peace, Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love.

7 3. In Je - sus for peace I a - bide, And (a - bide) as I keep close to His side, There’s noth - ing but (His side)

8 peace doth be - tide, Sweet Peace, peace, sweet peace, won - der - ful peace from a-bove, Oh, (a - bove) peace, the gift of God’s love.

9 won-der-ful, won-der-ful peace, Sweet peace, the gift of God’s love.

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