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1 APIP for 2013-14 From 2013-14, submission of APIP by States/UTs in the prescribed format is mandatory.APIP 2013-14 to be prepared based on the Administrative.

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Presentation on theme: "1 APIP for 2013-14 From 2013-14, submission of APIP by States/UTs in the prescribed format is mandatory.APIP 2013-14 to be prepared based on the Administrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 APIP for 2013-14 From 2013-14, submission of APIP by States/UTs in the prescribed format is mandatory.APIP 2013-14 to be prepared based on the Administrative approval of the strengthening and restructuring of ICDS (Ref. Administrative approval letter22 Oct 2012) Second as well as any subsequent installments of funds from GoI will be released only after approval of the APIP, according to the demand justified in the APIP. The APIP should reflect summary of demand with physical and financial proposal for the year against each of the activities/programme components.

2 2 APIP for 2013-14 (Contd) Points to be kept in mind: –While the basic framework of APIP will follow the Jan-2011 Guidelines, additionally, APIP must include plan for all new components/activities viz., ECCE day, grading & accreditation, construction of AWC buildings, Sneha Shivirs, untied funds for AWC-cum-crèche, additional AWW-cum-Nutrition Counsellor, Link Worker, children with special needs etc., –While proposing new activities, to ensure adherence to the phased approach for the identified ‘high-burden’ districts in the State and adoption of approved cost ratios. –To use revised norms of all existing activities/components while estimating the budgets with appropriate cost ratios between GoI and State; –To include a summary of estimated budgets (programme component/ head wise) required for 2013-14 at the end of the APIP document as per the template attached;

3 3 APIP for 2013-14 (Contd.) Proposed State/District ICDS Mission structures that involve hiring of contractual technical staff at various levels may be outlined under the programme management section of the APIP framework, including cost estimates for the same. To include a detailed action plan to address the AWC infrastructure gaps by the States vis-a-vis an analysis of the existing gaps in respect of AWC building status (rural/urban/tribal areas), water and sanitation facilities, electrification, convergence with other programmes for construction of AWCs and other amenities, etc. To include an action plan for construction and up gradation/maintenance of AWC buildings in the districts covered under the Restructured ICDS. To include plan of convergence with MNREGA and number of buildings to be achieved. Separately include a perspective plan for construction in convergence with various schemes such as IAP, BRGF, MPLAD, MLALAD, Multi-sectoral Development Programme for Minorities, etc. ( Ref. Letter from Secretary to Chief Secretaries, No. 19-4/2012-CD-I, dated 17 Dec-12 )

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