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TRANSACTION ANALYSIS It is a tool that provides an individual a practical & useful method for analysis and understanding human behaviour. The method was.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSACTION ANALYSIS It is a tool that provides an individual a practical & useful method for analysis and understanding human behaviour. The method was."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSACTION ANALYSIS It is a tool that provides an individual a practical & useful method for analysis and understanding human behaviour. The method was developed by Eric Berne and complemented by Harries & Jongaward. The method is to analyzing a transaction. A transaction is nothing but a social intercourse between two or more people who encounter each other. Transaction : If there is a stimulus provided by one individual there would be a response to that stimulus by another individual. This stimulus – response relationship between individuals is known as transaction. It is based on a well – developed psychoanalytic theoretical base.

2 T.A. has diverse applications in counseling & is widely used to analyze group dynamics and interpersonal communication. Analysis of any transaction can be done by analyzing the personality of an individual. As per Berne every individual functions from 3- ego states – parent, adult & child. An ego state is a system of feelings accompanied by a related set of behaviour patterns. T.A. helps people who are involved to understand their own ego states and those of others, to understand the principles behind transactions & games and to interact in more meaningful ways with one another. As per Sigmond Freud Ego represents reality & control impulsive id to check or defer its instinct desires. The superego resolves conflict between id & ego and support ego state by providing norms that enable ego to determine what is right or wrong. The ego is hypothetically constructed –because it is not observable. It is used to explain the complex dynamics of human personality. T.A. use this psychoanalytic th. as background for identifying 3- important ego- states; which are roughly equivalent to Freudian concept of child ( id ), adult ( ego) & parent (super ego).

3 Child ego state : Where the person act as a impulsive child characterized by being either submissive or conforming (dutiful child) or insubordinate, emotional, joyful. In either case the child state is characterized by very immature behaviour. Adult ego state : Where the person act as a mature person. In this state people attack problems in a ‘Cool-headed’, ‘Rational manner ‘. They gather relevant information, carefully analyze it, general alternatives & make logical choices. In adult state people do not act impulsively or in a domineering way. The state characterized by fairness & objectivity. Parent ego state : Where people act like domineering parents. Individuals can be either overly protected & loving or stern and critical. Those who give standards & rules for others also illustrate the state. They tend to talk down to people & to treat others like children. Transaction between ego states : People generally exhibit all 3- ego states, but one state may dominate other two. For effective interpersonal relationship adult state is superior. However, experts generally stress that all 3- ego states are necessary for a healthy personality.

4 In every transaction a message (stimulus) is send by a person from one ego state & is responded to by the other individual from any one of these 3- ego states. This give rise to 3-type of transaction --- (i) C omplementary:Transactions are complementary if the message sent or the behaviour exhibited by one person’s ego state receives the appropriate & expected response from the other person’s ego state. e.g. (A) Worker : I cannot do this job myself. Please help me, would you. (Child- Parent) Manager : Sure, I am coming just now. (Parent- Child) (B) Manager : Have you finished the job (Adult- Adult) Worker : Yes, long back & has already been delivered to the assembly line (Adult- Adult) (ii) Crossed : A transaction that occurs when the message sent to or the behaviour exhibited by one person’s ego state is reacted to by an incompatible, unexpected ego state on the part of other person. E.g. the boss treat his subordinate as a child but the subordinate attempts to respond on an adult basis. Thus it is a source of conflict in an organization, the result may be hurt feelings & frustration. In this transaction further communication stops.

5 e.g. Manager : How many pieces have you made by now ? (Adult- Adult) Worker : Do not disturb me. When I complete the work, I will let you know (Parent- Child) (i) Ulterior : It involves 2- ego states on the part of one person – project one state and mean other state i.e. Transaction has double meaning – on the surface level it is a clear adult message but it also carries a hidden message. e.g. Manager : My door is always open, come in so we can air your problems & together reach a rational solution. (Parent state) Again the other way it means as Manager : Do not come to me with your problem. Find answer of your own. That’s what you are getting paid for (Adult state)

6 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE It is a newly emerging positive approach to Organizational Behaviour. The approach is to examine the conceptual components – Emotion & Intelligence and there by the synergy created by combining them into Emotional Intelligence becomes a powerful & oriented contrast for the understanding & application approach to O.B. E.I. based competencies (cognitive ability & technical expertise) affect performance of all jobs. The competencies of E.I. are : Self confidence, empathy, the need to get results, constant improvement, influence and teamwork. These are the abilities that every orgn. Needs to develop in people. Unlike I.Q. which is basically the same throughout life or personality, which does not permanently change, E.I. based competencies are learned abilities. e.g. confidence is a learned ability which improves job performance.

7 Emotion : It is an important variable in Psychology but not in O.B. It is how a person feels about something. Thus emotional feelings directed to someone or something (angry at someone / afraid of something / happy about something). Emotion is not broad as affect (discussed in personality) whereas mood are not directed to an object. Types of Emotion : +ve primary emotion --  love/ affection/ happiness/ joy/ surprise. -ve primary emotion ----  fear/ anger/ disgust/ shame/ sadness. Emotions come from heart whereas rational thinking comes from head. Most personal & many managerial / organizational decisions are based on emotional process e.g. career decisions are often based on emotional happiness or affection. Emotionally intelligent people not only can read the expressed emotions of people but also have the maturity to hold their felt emotions in check & not display undesirable, immature –ve emotions such as anger or disgust.

8 Role of Intelligence : Mental age I.Q. = ------------------------------------ X 100 Chronological age IQ is considered as fixed at birth and considered only two dimensions -- Logical/mathematical & verbal/ linguistics. But Multiple Intelligence consider several other dimensions & they are not genetic & fixed at birth, however it could be nurtured & grown. This include Interpersonal/ Intrapersonal/ Visual/ Musical & Bodily. Definition of E.I. : 1. The subset of Social Intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own & others feelings & emotions, to discriminate among them & to use this information to guide one’s thinking & actions. 2.The capacity for recognizing our own feelings & those of others, for motivating ourselves & for managing emotions well in ourselves & in our relationships.

9 Our level of E.I. is not fixed nor does develop in early childhood. E.I. largely learned & continues to develop throughout our life. The dimensions of E.I. are : Self- awareness Self- motivation Self- management Empathy (ability to share others emotion) Social skill Thus an effective & efficient leader could be highly identified on the basis of dimensions of E.I.

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