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MPI Performance in a Production Environment David E. Skinner, NERSC User Services ScicomP 10 Aug 12, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "MPI Performance in a Production Environment David E. Skinner, NERSC User Services ScicomP 10 Aug 12, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPI Performance in a Production Environment David E. Skinner, NERSC User Services ScicomP 10 Aug 12, 2004

2 Abstract Discussion of a variety of topics related to deploying and optimizing MPI based applications on the IBM SP. Information on application performance, variability in performance, and memory usage is presented within the context of code microkernels and a few selected applications. Comparisons of different MPI libraries are presented as is initial work done to characterize the diverse scientific workload currently running at NERSC. Load Balance, MPI Performance and Profiling, Gotchas,

3 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center ~2000 Users in ~400 projects Serves all disciplines of the DOE Office of Science NERSC Focus on large-scale computing

4 NERSC: Mission and Customers NERSC is DOE’s flagship center for capability computing, providing reliable computing infrastructure, HPC consultancy, accurate resource accounting.

5 NERSC Hardware

6 system diagram

7 Colony switch fabric in two planes: 400 MB/sec 19 usec latency 380 compute nodes allowing 6080 tasks, In production as of last month.

8 Colony Switch PGFS understanding ResourceSpeedBytes Registers 3 ns2560 B L1 Cache 5 ns 32 KB L2 Cache 45 ns 8 MB Main Memory300 ns 16 GB Remote Memory 19 us 7 TB GPFS 10 ms 50 TB HPSS 5 s 9 PB 380 x HPS S CSS0 CSS1 6080 dedicated CPUs, 96 shared login CPUs Hierarchy of caching, prefetching to hide latency Bottleneck determined by first depleted resource 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS IBM SP

9 This Talk: Parallel Code Topics In order of importance – Scalar Performance (important at any scale) – Load Balance – Message Sizes – Topology and Synchronization – MPI Implementation gotchas importance ~ scale

10 Load Balance If one task lags the others in time to complete synchronization suffers, e.g. a 3% slowdown in one task can mean a 50% slowdown for the code overall Seek out and eliminate sources of variation Decompose problem uniformly among nodes/cpus

11 Load Balance: contd. key Unbalanced: Balanced: Time saved by load balance

12 Load Balance: Real World Application Time  MPI Rank 

13 Load Balance: Real World Application Time  MPI Rank 

14 Load Balance: Summary Imbalance most often a byproduct of data decomposition Must be addressed before further MPI tuning can happen How to quickly identify and quantify imbalance? NERSC consultant can help with visual analysis poe+ provides a simple quantitative means Good software exists to help with graph partitioning / remeshing For regular grids consider padding or contracting

15 load balance via poe+ How can I quickly determine load balance w/o recompiling or perturbing an exisiting code? 1) hpmcount’s new parallel aware “-a” option ---------------HPM------------------------------------------------- hpmcount (V 2.5.3) summary Execution time (wall clock time): 133.128812 seconds on 64 tasks ## Resource Usage Statistics Average Total MIN MAX ## Wall Clock Time (in sec.) : 132.465758 8477.808501 130.002884 133.128812 s Time in user mode (in sec.) : 116.304219 7443.470000 107.020000 117.990000 s Time in system mode (in sec.): 2.216562 141.860000 1.000000 4.990000 s Maximum resident set size : 98324 6292764 97952 98996 KB Shared mem use in text seg. : 37889 2424926 35043 38309 KB*s Unshared mem use in data seg.: 11265782 721010109 10498632 11365248 KB*s Page faults w/out IO activity: 26440 1692189 26320 27002 Page faults with IO activity : 14 942 8 37 Times process was swapped out: 0 0 0 0 Times file system perf. INPUT: 0 0 0 0 Times file system perf.OUTPUT: 0 0 0 0 IPC messages sent : 0 0 0 0 IPC messages received : 0 0 0 0 signals delivered : 315 20196 314 317 voluntary context switches : 2530 161961 594 7705

16 load balance via poe+ 2) poe+ -mpi 8 : ---------------Balance-comp#-Comm*--------------------------------- 32 : ##########################################************************ 62 : ###########################################*********************** 31 : ############################################********************** 30 : ############################################********************** 34 : ############################################********************** 49 : ############################################********************** 63 : ############################################********************** 33 : ############################################********************** 50 : ############################################********************** 53 : ############################################********************** 26 : ############################################********************** 17 : #############################################********************* 43 : #############################################********************* 18 : #############################################********************* 12 : #############################################********************* 3 : #############################################********************* 8 : #############################################********************* 6 : #############################################********************* 10 : #############################################********************* 9 : #############################################********************* 38 : #############################################********************* 15 : #############################################********************* 7 : #############################################********************* 2 : #############################################********************* 11 : #############################################********************* 47 : #############################################********************* 46 : #############################################********************* 4 : #############################################********************* 1 : #############################################********************* 19 : ##############################################******************** 45 : ##############################################******************** 20 : ##############################################******************** 0 : #################################################*****************

17 Code Topics Continued Once load is balanced move on to – Message Sizes – Synchronization – MPI Implementation gotchas

18 Inter-Node Bandwidth  csss css0  Tune message size to optimize throughput Aggregate messages when possible

19 MPI Performance on Seaborg

20 Colony Switch PGFS MPI on the IBM SP HPS S CSS0 CSS1 16 way SMP NHII Node Main Memory GPFS 2-4096 way concurrency MPI-1 and ~MPI-2 GPFS aware MPI-IO Thread safety Ranks on same node bypass the switch

21 Scaling of MPI_Barrier()

22 Synchronization: User Driven Improvements Performance variation reported by users running with > 1024 tasks USG/NSG/IBM identified and resolved slight asymmetries in how the CWS polls batch nodes about their health. Direct benefit for highly parallel applications Process driven by feedback from users about performance variability.

23 Synchronization: MPI_Bcast 2048 tasks

24 Synchronization: MPI_Alltoall 2048 tasks

25 How are we using MPI As with load balance we need an easy to use lwo impact way of profiling (or characterizing) time spent in MPI. At NERSC we have adopted poe+ to accomplish this

26 Where can profiling happen? Code Developer –Heavy weight tools (TV, TAU, VAMPIR) –Invasive to code, recompilation –Difficult to compare metrics across projects. Center Managers –Transparent Liteweight tools (poe+, ja, hpm) –Uniformity, possible centrally stored records HW/OS Vendor –Custom ASICs to record performance system wide with ~ no overhead –Center has limited control

27 Who cares? Some users care about performance profiling, many do not. –Time spent on code is time spent away from obtaining publishable results HPC centers care or are made to care –Evaluating match/conflicts between computers and codes is possible only through Generalities / Folk Wisdom Specifics that users tell us Specifics that we can measure quantitatively –Center performance often tied to code+computer performance Profiling has no bearing on the scientific quality of any calculation –E.g., FLOPs meaningless w/o context of algorithm and the motivations for using a particular algorithm –ALE / Tree codes vs. dense / full

28 poe+ : Motivation Provides an easy to use low overhead (to user and code) interface to performance metrics. –Uses hpmcount to gather and aggregate HPM data. –Can generate an MPI Profile via PMPI interface –Load balance information Clear, concise performance reports to user and to NERSC center –Reports go to stdout and to There are other options PMAPI / PAPI / HPMLIB ERCAP GFLOP/S : 502.865839 GFLOP/S ERCAP MB/TASK : 96.01953125 MB

29 poe+ : Usage usage: poe+ [-hpm_group n] [-mpi] executable “-hpm_group” selects HPM group –Default group 1 for flops and TLB – Group 2 for L1 cache load/store misses “-mpi” maps MPI* calls to PMPI* –MPI calls get wrapped to records data movement and timings –~1.5 microsecond overhead to each MPI call –When MPI_Finalize is reached Application level summary Task level summary Load balance histogram

30 poe+ : Summary Easy to use, low overhead Performance Profiling Benefits Everyone User Applications: Scalar performance (HPM) Parallel efficiency (MPI) Disk I/O performance (TBA) Center Policies: Runtime settings Queues SW Versioning Compute Resources: System settings Parallel efficiency (MPI) Future Machines. Understanding workload  Getting more science done!


32 For a specific research project.

33 Gotchas: MP_PIPE_SIZE memory = 2*PIPE_SIZE*(ntasks-1)

34 Gotchas: How to measure MPI memory usage? 2048 tasks

35 Gotchas: MP_LABELIO, phost LL’s hostlist environment variable breaks for large jobs Run NERSC tool /usr/common/usg/bin/phost prior to your parallel program to map machine names to POE tasks –MPI and LAPI versions available –Hostslists are useful for large runs (I/O perf, failure) Labeled I/O will let you know which task generated the message “segmentation fault”, gave wrong answer, etc. export MP_LABELIO=yes

36 GPFS – MPI Contention Users who monitor performance of communications often note wide ranges of variability that increase with concurrency Why?

37 GPFS – MPI Contention : simple spectrum Regularity points to identifiable cause Detective work like this is laborious, requires both admin/app skills and resources

38 sar read data for GPFS on seaborg Time  Node Read intensity (char/sec) black < red < white

39 Contention at the NSB layer? Looking into how to delve deeper into this Different networks for Disk and MPI (BG/L)

40 Parallel Enviroment 4.1 New MPI library is available. Not based on MPCI PIPES layer but rather over LAPI. Solves PIPEs memory issues. Latency is currently higher that PE3.2, IBM is working on this Several improvments to MPI Collectives Though LAPI uses threads, your code need not –A pass through library for non “_r” is provided

41 PE 4.1 : usage Simply do “module load USG pe” –No need to recompile –This is still beta software (but close to release) We turn off threading by default for performance reasons. To get it back, e.g. to use certain MPI-2 features, unset MP_SINGLE_THREAD Best way to estimate impact on your code is to try it

42 PE 4.1 : preliminary performance data

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