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Thinking Like An Economist. Introduction Example: Accommodation May prefer peace and quiet, but houses are expensive, e.g. house rent for $1,000/mo. Choices:

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking Like An Economist. Introduction Example: Accommodation May prefer peace and quiet, but houses are expensive, e.g. house rent for $1,000/mo. Choices:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking Like An Economist

2 Introduction Example: Accommodation May prefer peace and quiet, but houses are expensive, e.g. house rent for $1,000/mo. Choices: a) have one housemate and pay $500/mo b) have four housemates and pay $200/mo.

3 Introduction What is the Optimal Choice? Option a): benefits: less noise cost: more expensive Option b): benefits: cheaper cost: no peace

4 Economics: Studying Choice In a World of Scarcity The Scarcity Principle Boundless wants cannot be satisfied with limited resources. Therefore, having more of one thing usually means having less of another. Because of scarcity we must make choices.

5 Economics: Studying Choice In a World of Scarcity Wants vs. Resources ScarcityChoices

6 Economics: Studying Choice In a World of Scarcity Economics The study of how people make choices under conditions of scarcity and of the results of those choices for society.

7 Economics: Studying Choice In a World of Scarcity The Cost-Benefit Principle An individual (or a firm or a society) should take an action if, and only if, the extra benefits from taking the action are at least as great as the extra costs

8 Applying The Cost-Benefit Principle Should you go to the mall to save $5 on a $20 computer game? The benefit of going to the mall = $5 The cost of going to the mall is the dollar value of everything you give up to go to the mall

9 Applying The Cost-Benefit Principle cost of making the trip to the Mall Benefit from the trip Make the trip to town? $10$5No $8$5No $5 Possibly $4$5Yes $3$5Yes

10 Applying The Cost-Benefit Principle Rational Person Someone with well-defined goals who tries to fulfill those goals as best he or she can -A firm seeks to maximize long-term profits -An individual seeks comfort, acceptance, and tranquility -A college student seeks good grades plus an interesting and meaningful college experience.

11 Applying The Cost-Benefit Principle Economic Surplus The benefit of taking any action minus its cost The goal of economic decision makers is to maximize their economic surplus

12 Applying The Cost-Benefit Principle Opportunity Cost The value of the next-best alternative that must be forgone to undertake an activity

13 Applying The Cost-Benefit Principle Observation The cost-benefit principle suggests that we take only those actions that create additional economic surplus.

14 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 1: Measuring cost and benefits as proportions rather than absolute dollar amounts Examples: Should you go to the mall to save $5 on a $800 digital camera?

15 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 2: Ignoring Opportunity Costs Example:  Should you use your frequent-flyer coupon to fly to Fort Lauderdale for spring break? Assume:  Round trip airfare is $500 and is equal to your frequent flyer coupon  Other costs equal $1,000

16 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 2: Ignoring Opportunity Costs Assume (cont):  The most you are willing to pay for the Fort Lauderdale trip is $1,350  Alternate use for the frequent flyer coupon is to attend a wedding in Boston the week after spring break and the Boston airfare is $400 (coupon expires just after the wedding)

17 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 2: Ignoring Opportunity Costs Example:  Should you use your frequent flyer coupon to fly to Fort Lauderdale for spring break? With the coupon:  Benefits = $1,350  Cost = $1,400 ($400 opportunity cost + $1,000 other costs) Question  What would you do if the coupon expires just after spring break?

18 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 3: Failure To Ignore Sunk Costs The only costs that should influence a decision about whether to take an action are those that we can avoid by not taking the action

19 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 3: Failure To Ignore Sunk Costs Sunk cost  A cost that is beyond recovery at the moment a decision must be made

20 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 3: Failure To Ignore Sunk Costs Example  How much should you eat at an all-you-can-eat restaurant? Assume:  Price = $5  20 randomly selected guests will get lunch on the house

21 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 3: Failure To Ignore Sunk Costs Example  How much should you eat at an all-you-can-eat restaurant? Question:  If all diners are rational, will there be any difference in the average quantity of food consumed by these two groups?

22 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 4: Failure To Understand the Average-Marginal Distinction Marginal Benefit  The increase in total benefit that results from carrying out one additional unit of an activity

23 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 4: Failure To Understand the Average-Marginal Distinction Marginal Cost  The increase in total cost that results from carrying out one additional unit of an activity

24 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 4: Failure To Understand the Average-Marginal Distinction Average Benefit  The total benefit of undertaking n units of an activity divided by n

25 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 4: Failure To Understand the Average-Marginal Distinction Average Cost  The total cost of undertaking n units of an activity divided by n

26 Four Important Decision Pitfalls Pitfall 4: Failure To Understand the Average-Marginal Distinction Example  Should NASA expand the space shuttle program from four launches per year to five?  Benefits o$24 billion (average of $6 billion/launch)  Costs o$20 billion (average of $5 billion/launch)

27 Four Important Decision Pitfalls # of Launches Total Cost Average Cost Marginal Cost ($ billion) ($ billion/launch)($ billion/launch) What is the optimal number of launches? 000 133 273.5 3124 4205 5326.4 Assume: Average Benefit = Marginal Benefit = $6 billion 3 4 5 8 12

28 Normative Economics vs. Positive Economics Normative Economic Principle One that says how people should behave  Example: Cost-benefit principle Positive Economic Principle One that predicts how people will behave  Example: The incentives matter principle oAt the present time, about 13% of the U.S. population lives on incomes below the poverty level (positive). Congress should pass legislation to reduce that to 8% (normative).

29 Economics: Micro and Macro Microeconomics The study of individual choice under scarcity and its implications for the behavior of prices and quantities in individual markets

30 Economics: Micro and Macro Macroeconomics The study of the performance of national economies, and of the policies that governments use to try to improve that performance

31 Economic Naturalism Using insights from economics to help make sense of observations from everyday life

32 Economic Naturalism Question Why do brides spend so much money on wedding dresses, while grooms often rent cheap tuxedos, even though grooms could potentially wear their tuxedos on many other occasions and brides will never wear their dresses again?

33 Economic Naturalism Questions Why is airline food so bad? Why do the keypad buttons on drive-up automatic teller machines have Braille dots?

34 Economic Naturalism Applications Use cost-benefit analysis to explain some pattern of events or behavior you have observed in your own environment

35 End of Chapter End of Chapter

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