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Interactive Student Notebook Your Key to Success in Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Student Notebook Your Key to Success in Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Student Notebook Your Key to Success in Social Studies

2 Have you ever heard yourself say...

3 Get it together with your

4 What is an Interactive Notebook? A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, class work, quizzes – in one convenient spot.

5 Purpose Be a creative, independent and reflective thinker and writer throughout the year. Express your own ideas and process and or apply the information and skills learned in this class.

6 Date Title RIGHT PAGE LEFT PAGE Student Responses Pg # Teacher Information

7 Right Side The Right side belongs to Ms. Moser The Right side has all “testable” information –Date –Title at Top –Vocabulary –Class, reading, and discussion notes –Worksheets –Study Guides –Quizzes –Content and Language Objectives –Other relevant information

8 Right Side 1. Should be completely done. 2. Should clearly have both the title of the assignment at the top and the date centered to the right of the title. The page should be numbered in the top right-hand corner. 3. All assignments should be in chronological order by the times they were assigned. 4. All right side assignments should be done only on right sides unless other instructed by Mrs. Jennings 5. Each fully completed and correct right side assignment earns a grade. Any missing part (date, title, incomplete, etc.) will cause points to be deduced.

9 Examples of Right Side Assignments Articles Notes Graphic Organizers / Thinking Maps In-class Assignments Recording Sheets

10 Left Side Left Side is to record your thinking, reflections, questions, thoughts, impressions, connections, and wonderings. The Left side belongs to YOU! –Apply skills learned in class –Use graphs, charts, Venn Diagrams, research from internet –Make connections between new and old learning –Questions –Thinking Maps –Poems –Songs –Homework –Classwork –Brainstorming –Sketches related to learning –Other relevant information

11 Examples of Left Side Assignments

12 All of these can be done for the left side of each right side page. Every individual right side page (even for many pages of the same assignment) must have an accompanying left side activity.


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15 Illustrated Outlines

16 Sensory Figures, cont.

17 Concept Map

18 Acrostics


20 Venn Diagram

21 Student Materials Covered Composition Notebook Colored pencils/Highlighters Tape NO STAPLES

22 Maintaining the Interactive Notebook No ripped out pages or torn corners No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes Date, title and number each page –Everyone’s ISN must MATCH!

23 Deductions for Lateness and Lack of Chronological Order Notebook checks are random Will be half credit second day if you don’t have it when asked NO credit after that

24 Each time the notebook is evaluated it will constitute a test grade. Notebook checks are unannounced and can occur at any random time during the school year.

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