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International Nusantara STratification ANd Transport Indonesia: BRKP, LIPI, BPPT; Australia: CSIRO ; USA: SI0 & LDEO ;Netherlands: NIOZ; France: LODYC.

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Presentation on theme: "International Nusantara STratification ANd Transport Indonesia: BRKP, LIPI, BPPT; Australia: CSIRO ; USA: SI0 & LDEO ;Netherlands: NIOZ; France: LODYC."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Nusantara STratification ANd Transport Indonesia: BRKP, LIPI, BPPT; Australia: CSIRO ; USA: SI0 & LDEO ;Netherlands: NIOZ; France: LODYC Décembre 2003 - Juin 2005 – Décembre 2006

2 INSTANT: MOORINGS - TIDE GAUGES - CTD 80 nm moorings CTD Tide Gauges

3 1.To determine the full depth velocity and property structure of the ITF and it’s associated heat and freshwater flux. 2.To resolve the annual, seasonal and intraseasonal characteristics of the ITF transport and property flux. 3.To investigate the storage and modification of the ITF waters within the internal Indonesian seas, from their Pacific source characteristics to the Indonesian water exported into the Indian Ocean. 4.To contribute to the design of a cost-effective, long term monitoring strategy for the ITF. 5.The training of Indonesian scientific and technical personnel in the acquisition, processing and analysis of state-of-the-art oceanographic data. THE OBJECTIVES :




7 From S. Wijffels and G. Meyers




11 Wind Current 200-1400m Current 0-200m



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