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Published byChristina Griffin Modified over 8 years ago
CIS300 TEST REVIEW EXAM 2- PROF. ZURADA & PROF. GUAN REACH - CRC © 2010 REACH All Rights Reserved.Fall 2010
MICROSOFT EXCEL LOGICAL FUNCTIONS AND =AND(logical1, [logical2],...) OR =OR(logical1, [logical2],...) NOT =NOT(logical) IF =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) NESTEDIF IF( condition1, value_if_true, IF( condition2, value_if_true, value_if_false )) IFERROR =IFERROR(value, value_if_error) 2
Syntax: =AND(logical1, [logical2],...) Arguments: logical1 Required The first condition that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. logical2,... Optional Additional conditions that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE, up to a maximum of 255 conditions. 3
Description: Returns FALSE if one or more arguments is FALSE Otherwise, all arguments must evaluate TRUE Remarks: Arguments must evaluate to logical values Arguments must be arrays or references that contain logical values Text and empty cells are ignored in arrays or references Errors: #VALUE – If no logical values exist in a specified range 4
Syntax: =OR(logical1, [logical2],...) Arguments: logical1 Required The first condition that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. logical2,... Optional Additional conditions that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE, up to a maximum of 255 conditions. 7
Description: Returns TRUE if one or more arguments is TRUE Otherwise, all arguments must evaluate FALSE Remarks: Arguments must evaluate to logical values Arguments must be arrays or references that contain logical values Text and empty cells are ignored in arrays or references Errors: #VALUE – If no logical values exist in a specified range 8
Syntax: =NOT(logical) Arguments: logical Required A value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. 10
Description: Reverses the value of its argument. Remarks: If logical is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE if logical is TRUE, NOT returns FALSE Errors: None 11
Syntax: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Arguments: logical_test Required Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. value_if_true Optional The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE. If logical_test evaluates to TRUE and the value_if_true argument is omitted (that is, there is only a comma following the logical_test argument), the IF function returns 0 (zero). To display the word TRUE, use the logical value TRUE for the value_if_true argument. 13
Syntax: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Arguments: value_if_false Optional The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE. If logical_test evaluates to FALSE and the value_if_false argument is omitted, (that is, there is no comma following the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the logical value FALSE. If logical_test evaluates to FALSE and the value of the value_if_false argument is omitted (that is, in the IF function, there is a comma following the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the value 0 (zero). 14
Description: The IF function returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE, and another value if that condition evaluates to FALSE. Remarks: Up to 7 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. (2003) Up to 64 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. (2007) If any of the arguments to IF are arrays, every element of the array is evaluated when the IF statement is carried out. Errors: None 15
value_if_true [value_if_false] 16
NESTED IF IN EXCEL A nested IF statement says something like... "If the answer is yes, do this. If the answer is no do this or this (depending on...“ Syntax: IF( condition1, value_if_true, IF( condition2, value_if_true, value_if_false )) 17
NESTED IF CONTD. What was the percentage grade you got on your last test?75% You got a C =IF(F42<60%,"Sorry, you failed",IF(F42<70%,"You got a D",IF(F42<80%,"You got a C",IF(F42<90%, "You got a B", "WOW you got an A!!!")))) 18
NESTED IF Example 2 (Rule 2) If cell B1 (which contains a student’s total points out of a 100 scale) is greater than or equal to 90 then give her an A, if it is greater than equal to 80 and less than 90 then give her a B, if it is greater than equal to 70 and less than 80 then give her a C, if it is greater than equal to 60 and less than 70 then give her a D, and if it is less than 60 then give her an F 19
NESTED IF What is the syntax used to implement this rule in MS Excel? =IF(B1>=90,"A",IF(B1>=80,"B",IF(B1>=70,"C",IF(B1>=60,"D","F")))) 20
Syntax: =IFERROR(value, value_if_error) Arguments: Value Required. The argument that is checked for an error. Value_if_error Required. The value to return if the formula evaluates to an error. The following error types are evaluated: #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!. 21
Description: Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula. Use the IFERROR function to trap and handle errors in a formula. Remarks: If value or value_if_error is an empty cell, IFERROR treats it as an empty string value (""). If value is an array formula, IFERROR returns an array of results for each cell in the range specified in value. See the second example below. Errors None 22
Example: 23
Microsoft Excel Mathematical Functions SUM =SUM(number1,[number2],...) SUMIF =SUMIF(range,criteria,[sum_range]) SUMIFS =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2],...) ROUND =ROUND(number,num_digits) 24
Syntax: =SUM(number1, [number2], [number3], [number4],...) Arguments: number1 Required The first item that you want to add. number2, number3, number4,... Optional The remaining items that you want to add, up to a total of 255 items. 25
Description: Adds all the numbers that you specify as arguments. Remarks: Each argument can be a range, a cell reference, an array, a constant, a formula, or the result from another function. If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are counted. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored. Errors: If any arguments are error values, or if any arguments are text that cannot be translated into numbers, Excel displays an error. 26
Syntax: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) Arguments: range Required The range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria. o Cells in each range must be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. o Blank and text values are ignored. criteria Required The criteria in the form of a number, expression, a cell reference, text, or a function that defines which cells will be added. o Criteria can be expressed as 32, ">32", B5, "32", "apples", or TODAY(). sum_range Optional The actual cells to add, if you want to add cells other than those specified in the range argument. o Excel adds the cells that are specified in the range argument (the same cells to which the criteria is applied). 28
Description: Sums the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify. Remarks: See the Microsoft ® Excel ® help for additional remarks. Errors: None 29
Syntax: SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2],...) Arguments: sum_range Required. One or more cells to sum, including numbers or names, ranges, or cell references that contain numbers. Blank and text values are ignored. criteria_range1 Required. The first range in which to evaluate the associated criteria. criteria1 Required. The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that define which cells in the criteria_range1 argument will be added. For example, criteria can be expressed as 32, ">32", B4, "apples", or "32." criteria_range2, criteria2, … Optional. Additional ranges and their associated criteria. Up to 127 range/criteria pairs are allowed. 31
Description: Adds the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria. For example, if you want to sum the numbers in the range A1:A20 only if the corresponding numbers in B1:B20 are greater than zero (0) and the corresponding numbers in C1:C20 are less than 10, you can use the following formula: =SUMIFS(A1:A20, B1:B20, ">0", C1:C20, "<10") IMPORTANT The order of arguments differ between the SUMIFS and SUMIF functions. In particular, thesum_range argument is the first argument in SUMIFS, but it is the third argument in SUMIF. If you are copying and editing these similar functions, make sure you put the arguments in the correct order 32
Remarks: Each cell in the sum_range argument is summed only if all of the corresponding criteria specified are true for that cell. For example, suppose that a formula contains two criteria_range arguments. If the first cell ofcriteria_range1 meets criteria1, and the first cell of criteria_range2 meets critera2, the first cell ofsum_range is added to the sum, and so on, for the remaining cells in the specified ranges. Cells in the sum_range argument that contain TRUE evaluate to 1; cells in sum_range that contain FALSE evaluate to 0 (zero). Unlike the range and criteria arguments in the SUMIF function, in the SUMIFS function, each criteria_rangeargument must contain the same number of rows and columns as the sum_range argument. You can use the wildcard characters — the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) — in criteria. A question mark matches any single character; an asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character. Errors: None 33
Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) Arguments: number Required The number that you want to round. num_digits Required The number of digits to which you want to round the number argument. 35
Description: Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. Remarks: If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If num_digits is 0, the number is rounded to the nearest integer. If num_digits is less than 0, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. Errors: None 36
=ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places 37
MICROSOFT EXCEL STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS AVERAGE =AVERAGE(number1, [number2],...) AVERAGEIF =AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range]) COUNT =COUNT(value1, [value2],...) COUNTIF =AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range]) COUNTIFS COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…) COUNTA =COUNTA(value1, [value2],...) MAX =MAX(number1,[number2],...) MIN =MIN(number1,[number2],...) LARGE =LARGE(array,k) SMALL =LARGE(array,k) 38
Syntax: =AVERAGE(number1, [number2],...) Arguments: number1 Required The first number, cell reference, or range for which you want the average. number2,... Optional Additional numbers, cell references or ranges for which you want the average, up to a maximum of 255. 39
Description: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments. Remarks: Arguments can either be numbers or names, ranges, or cell references that contain numbers. Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. If a range or cell reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored; however, cells with the value zero are included. Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. 40
Syntax: =AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, [average_range]) Arguments: range Required One or more cells to average, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. criteria Required The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines which cells are averaged. average_range Optional The actual set of cells to average. 42
Description: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria. Remarks: If average_range is omitted, range is used. Cells in range that contain TRUE or FALSE are ignored. If a cell in average_range is an empty cell, AVERAGEIF ignores it. If a cell in criteria is empty, AVERAGEIF treats it as a 0 value. Errors: #DIV/0 – If range is a blank or text value. #DIV/0 – If no cells in the range meet the criteria. 43
=AVERAGEIF(B2:B5,"<23000") 44
=AVERAGEIF(B2:B5,"<23000") =14000 45
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,"<95000") 46
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,"<95000") =#DIV/0 47
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,">250000",B2:B5) 48
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,">250000",B2:B5) =24500 49
Syntax: AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2],...) Arguments: Average_range Required. One or more cells to average, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. Criteria_range1, criteria_range2, … Criteria_range1 is required, subsequent criteria_ranges are optional. 1 to 127 ranges in which to evaluate the associated criteria. Criteria1, criteria2,... Criteria1 is required, subsequent criteria are optional. 1 to 127 criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that define which cells will be averaged. For example, criteria can be expressed as 32, "32", ">32", "apples", or B4. 50
Description: Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all cells that meet multiple criteria. Remarks: If average_range is a blank or text value, AVERAGEIFS returns the #DIV0! error value. If a cell in a criteria range is empty, AVERAGEIFS treats it as a 0 value. Cells in range that contain TRUE evaluate as 1; cells in range that contain FALSE evaluate as 0 (zero). Each cell in average_range is used in the average calculation only if all of the corresponding criteria specified are true for that cell. Unlike the range and criteria arguments in the AVERAGEIF function, in AVERAGEIFS each criteria_range must be the same size and shape as sum_range. If cells in average_range cannot be translated into numbers, AVERAGEIFS returns the #DIV0! error value. If there are no cells that meet all the criteria, AVERAGEIFS returns the #DIV/0! error value. You can use the wildcard characters, question mark (?) and asterisk (*), in criteria. A question mark matches any single character; an asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character. Errors: None. 51
Syntax: =COUNT(value1, [value2],...) Arguments: value1 Required The first item, cell reference, or range within which you want to count numbers. value2,... Optional Up to 255 additional items, cell references, or ranges within which you want to count numbers. 53
Description: Counts the number of cells that contain numbers, and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Remarks: Arguments that are numbers, dates, or a text representation of numbers (for example, a number enclosed in quotation marks, such as "1") are counted. Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers are not counted. If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are counted. Empty cells, logical values, text, or error values in the array or reference are not counted. Errors: None 54
Syntax: =COUNTIF(range, criteria) Arguments: range Required One or more cells to count, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. o Blank and text values are ignored. criteria Required A number, expression, cell reference, or text string that defines which cells will be counted. o Criteria can be expressed as 32, ">32", B4, "apples", or "32". 56
Description: Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single criterion that you specify. Remarks: See the Microsoft ® Excel ® help for additional remarks. Criteria are case insensitive Errors: None 57
Syntax: COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…) Arguments: criteria_range1 Required. The first range in which to evaluate the associated criteria. criteria1 Required. The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that define which cells will be counted. For example, criteria can be expressed as 32, ">32", B4, "apples", or "32". criteria_range2, criteria2,... Optional. Additional ranges and their associated criteria. Up to 127 range/criteria pairs are allowed. IMPORTANT Each additional range must have the same number of rows and columns as the criteria_range1argument. The ranges do not have to be adjacent to each other. 59
Description: Applies criteria to cells across multiple ranges and counts the number of times all criteria are met. Remarks: Each range's criteria is applied one cell at a time. If all of the first cells meet their associated criteria, the count increases by 1. If all of the second cells meet their associated criteria, the count increases by 1 again, and so on until all of the cells are evaluated. If the criteria argument is a reference to an empty cell, the COUNTIFS function treats the empty cell as a 0 value. You can use the wildcard characters— the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) — in criteria. A question mark matches any single character, and an asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character. Errors: None 60
Syntax: =COUNTA(value1, [value2],...) Arguments: value1 Required The first argument representing the values that you want to count. value2,... Optional Additional arguments representing the values that you want to count, up to a maximum of 255 arguments. 62
Description: Counts the number of cells that are not empty in a range. Remarks: Counts cells containing any type of information, including error values and empty text ("“). The COUNTA function does not count empty cells. Errors: None 63
=COUNTA(A1:A8) 64
Syntax: =MAX(number1,[number2],...) Arguments: number1, number2,... Required 1 to 255 numbers for which you want to find the maximum value. 65
Description: Returns the largest value in a set of values. Remarks: Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are used. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored. If the arguments contain no numbers, MAX returns 0 (zero). Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. 66
Syntax: =MIN(number1,[number2],...) Arguments: number1, number2,... Required 1 to 255 numbers for which you want to find the minimum value. 68
Description: Returns the smallest value in a set of values. Remarks: Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted. If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are used. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored. If the arguments contain no numbers, MIN returns 0 (zero). Errors: Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors. 69
Syntax: =LARGE(array,k) Arguments: array Required The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value. k Required The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return. 71
Description: Returns the k-th largest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,1) returns the largest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,n) returns the smallest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points 72
=LARGE(array,k) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 73
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 74
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 75
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2 =5 76
=LARGE(array,k) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 77
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 78
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 79
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2 80
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2 =4 81
Syntax: =SMALL(array,k) Arguments: array Required The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th smallest value. k Required The position (from the smallest) in the array or cell range of data to return. 82
Description: Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,1) returns the smallest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,n) returns the largest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points 83
=SMALL(array,k) 4th smallest number in first column 84
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10 4th smallest number in first column 85
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) 4th smallest number in first column List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 4 5 6 7 86
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) 4th smallest number in first column List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 4 5 6 7 =4 87
=SMALL(array,k) 2nd smallest number in second column 88
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10 2nd smallest number in second column 89
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10,2) 2nd smallest number in second column List the numbers in ascending order: 1 3 4 7 8 12 23 54 90
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10,2) 2nd smallest number in second column =3 List the numbers in ascending order: 1 3 4 7 8 12 23 54 91
MICROSOFT EXCEL LOOKUP FUNCTIONS VLOOKUP =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) HLOOKUP = HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,range_lookup) 92
Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) Arguments: lookup_value Required The value to search in the first column of the table or range. table_array Required The range of cells that contains the data. col_index_num Required The column number in the table_array argument from which the matching value must be returned. range_lookup Optional A logical value that specifies whether you want VLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match. 93
Description: Searches the first column of a range of cells, and then returns a value from any cell on the same row of the range. Remarks: The values in the first column of table_array can be text, numbers, or logical values. Uppercase and lowercase text are equivalent. If range_lookup is TRUE, the values in the first column of table_array must be placed in ascending order. If range_lookup is TRUE or omitted, an approximate match is returned. If range_lookup is FALSE, an exact match will be attempted. 94
Errors: #VALUE! – If col_index_num is less than 1 #REF! – If col_index_num is greater than the number of columns in the table_array #N/A – If range_lookup is FALSE and an exact match cannot be found #N/A – If lookup_value is less than the smallest value in the first column of table_array 95
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) 96
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) 97
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) 98
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) 99
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/E6, TRUE) 100
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/11, TRUE) 101
(1)=VLOOKUP(C11*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(44*2, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, G18/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/E6, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 66/11, TRUE) =VLOOKUP(88, $B$8:$G$24, 6, TRUE) 102
Syntax: = HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,range_lookup) Arguments: lookup_value Required The value to search in the first row of the table or range. table_array Required The range of cells that contains the data. row_index_num Required The row number in table_array from which the matching value will be returned range_lookup Optional. A logical value that specifies whether you want HLOOKUP to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE or omitted, an approximate match is returned. In other words, if an exact match is not found, the next largest value that is less than lookup_value is returned. If FALSE, HLOOKUP will find an exact match. If one is not found, the error value #N/A is returned. 103
Description: Searches for a value in the top row of a table or an array of values, and then returns a value in the same column from a row you specify in the table or array. Remarks: If HLOOKUP can't find lookup_value, and range_lookup is TRUE, it uses the largest value that is less than lookup_value. If lookup_value is smaller than the smallest value in the first row of table_array, HLOOKUP returns the #N/A error value. 104
Errors: #VALUE! – If row_index_num is less than 1 #REF! – If row_index_num is greater than the number of rows in the table_array #N/A – If range_lookup is FALSE and an exact match cannot be found #N/A – If lookup_value is less than the smallest value in the first row of table_array 105
ABC 1AxlesBearingBolts 2449 35710 46811 FormulaDescription (Result) Looks up Axles in row 1, and returns the value from row 2 that's in the same column. (4) =HLOOKUP("Axles",A1:C4,2,TRUE) =HLOOKUP("Bearings",A1:C4,3,FALSE) Looks up Bearings in row 1, and returns the value from row 3 that's in the same column. (7) =HLOOKUP("B",A1:C4,3,TRUE) Looks up B in row 1, and returns the value from row 3 that's in the same column. Because B is not an exact match, the next largest value that is less than B is used: Axles. (5) =HLOOKUP("Bolts",A1:C4,4) Looks up Bolts in row 1, and returns the value from row 4 that's in the same column. (11) 106
The worksheet above lists the annual salaries for a company’s employees. (A)What is the formula to determine the total number of employees who earn between $50,000 and $70,000 in annual salary (inclusive)? =COUNTIFS(C4:C14,">50000",C4:C14,"<70000") (B) What is the formula to determine the sum of the salaries of employees who have first names that begin with the letter A? =SUMIFS(C4:C14,B4:B14,"=A*") (C) What is the formula to determine the average salary of employees who earn more than the third (3rd) highest salary? =AVERAGEIF(C4:C14,">"&LARGE(C4:C14,3),C4:C14) 107
MICROSOFT EXCEL DATE FUNCTIONS DATE =DATE(year,month,day) YEAR =YEAR(serial_number) MONTH =MONTH(serial_number) DAY =DAY(serial_number) TODAY =TODAY() NOW =NOW() YEARFRAC =YEARFRAC(start_date,end_date,[basis]) DATEDIF =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,interval) 108
Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions Syntax: =DATE(year,month,day) Arguments: year Required The value of the year argument can include one to four digits. month Required A positive or negative integer representing the month of the year from 1 to 12 (January to December). day Required A positive or negative integer representing the day of the month from 1 to 31.
Description: Returns the sequential serial number that represents a particular date. Remarks: If the cell format was General before the function was entered, the result is formatted as a date instead of a number. Excel interprets the year argument according to the date system your computer is using. By default, Microsoft Excel for Windows uses the 1900 date system; Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh uses the 1904 date system. Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers so that they can be used in calculations. Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=DATE(A2,B2,C2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions What is the serial date for the date in A2:C2, using the 1900 date system?
=DATE(A2,B2,C2) =39448 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions What is the serial date for the date in A2:C2, using the 1900 date system?
Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions Syntax: =YEAR(serial_number) Arguments: serial_number Required The date of the year you want to find.
Description: Returns the year corresponding to a date. Remarks: The year is returned as an integer in the range 1900-9999. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. For example, use DATE(2008,5,23) for the 23rd day of May, 2008. Problems can occur if dates are entered as text. Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=YEAR(A2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=YEAR(A2) =2008 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=YEAR(A4) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=YEAR(A4) =2010 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
Syntax: =MONTH(serial_number) Arguments: serial_number Required The date of the month you want to find.
Description: Returns the month of a date represented by a serial number. Remarks: The month is given as an integer, ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December). Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. For example, use DATE(2008,5,23) for the 23rd day of May, 2008. Problems can occur if dates are entered as text. Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=MONTH(A2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=MONTH(A2) =4 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
Syntax: =DAY(serial_value) Arguments: serial_value Required The date of the day you want to find.
Description: Returns the day of a date, represented by a serial number. Remarks: The day is given as an integer ranging from 1 to 31. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. For example, use DATE(2008,5,23) for the 23rd day of May, 2008. Problems can occur if dates are entered as text. Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=DAY(A2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=DAY(A2) =15 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
Syntax: =TODAY() Arguments: None
Description: Returns the serial number of the current date. Remarks: If the cell format was General before the function was entered, Excel changes the cell format to Date. If you want to view the serial number, you must change the cell format to General or Number. The TODAY function is useful when you need to have the current date displayed on a worksheet, regardless of when you open the workbook. The TODAY function is dependent on your computer’s system clock being correct. Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=TODAY() Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=TODAY() Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
Syntax: =NOW() Arguments: None
Description: Returns the serial number of the current date and time. Remarks: If the cell format was General before the function was entered, Excel changes the cell format to the same date and time format that is specified in the regional date and time settings in Control Panel. The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you open the worksheet. Numbers to the right of the decimal point in the serial number represent the time; numbers to the left represent the date. The results of the NOW function change only when the worksheet is calculated or when a macro that contains the function is run. It is not updated continuously. Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=NOW() Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions Syntax: =YEARFRAC(start_date,end_date,[basis]) Arguments: start_date Required A date that represents the start date. end_date Required A date that represents the end date. basis Optional The type of day count basis to use.
0 – This value is used for US (NASD) date systems that assume 30 days are in a month and 360 days are in one year. If no basis value is specified, a value of 0 is used. 1 – A value of 1 should be used for the basis if you want your calculations based on the actual number of days in any given month or year. 2 – This value uses the actual number of days in any given month but assumes there are only 360 days in a year. 3 – This value is similar to the previous option as it uses the actual number of days in any given month, but it assumes there are 365 days in each year. That is, it disregards leap years. 4 – This value is similar to 0 (30 days in each month and 360 days in a year), but it assumes a European date system.
Description: Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates (the start_date and the end_date). Remarks: Use the YEARFRAC worksheet function to identify the proportion of a whole year's benefits or obligations to assign to a specific term. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. All arguments are truncated to integers. Errors: #VALUE – If start_date or end_date are not valid dates #NUM! – If basis < 0 #NUM! – If basis > 4 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=YEARFRAC(A2,A3,A4) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions What is the fraction of the year between the two dates?
=YEARFRAC(A2,A3,A4) =0.583333333 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions What is the fraction of the year between the two dates?
Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions Syntax: =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,interval) Arguments: startdate Required A date that represents the start date. enddate Required A date that represents the end date. interval Required The type of day count basis to use.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions Syntax: =DATEDIF(startdate,enddate,interval) Arguments: interval Required The type of day count basis to use.
Description: Computes the difference between two dates in a variety of different intervals. Remarks: If you have the interval in another cell referenced by the formula, that cell should not have quotes around the interval string. When calculating date intervals, DATEDIF uses the year of startdate, not enddate when calculating the yd, ym and md intervals Errors: #VALUE – If start_date or end_date are not valid dates #NUM! – If start date is not less than or equal to the end date Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions
=DATEDIF(A2,A3,”d”) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions What is the difference in days between the two dates?
=DATEDIF(A2,A3,”d”) =210 Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions What is the difference in days between the two dates?
Description: Returns the hour of a time value. Remarks: The hour is given as an integer, ranging from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.). Times may be entered as text strings within quotation marks. (for example, "6:45 PM") Times may be entered as decimal numbers. (for example, 0.78125, which represents 6:45 PM) Times may be entered as results of other formulas or functions. (for example, TIMEVALUE("6:45 PM")) Microsoft Excel for Windows and Excel for the Macintosh use different date systems as their defaults. Time values are a portion of a date value and represented by a decimal number. (for example, 12:00 PM is represented as 0.5 because it is half of a day) Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=HOUR(A2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=HOUR(A2) =3 Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=HOUR(A3) Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=HOUR(A3) =15 Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=HOUR(A4) Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=HOUR(A4) =15 Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
Syntax: =MINUTE(serial_number) Arguments: serial_number Required The time that contains the minute you want to find.
Description: Returns the minutes of a time value. Remarks: The minute is given as an integer, ranging from 0 to 59. Times may be entered as text strings within quotation marks. (for example, "6:45 PM") Times may be entered as decimal numbers. (for example, 0.78125, which represents 6:45 PM) Times may be entered as results of other formulas or functions. (for example, TIMEVALUE("6:45 PM")) Microsoft Excel for Windows and Excel for the Macintosh use different date systems as their defaults. Time values are a portion of a date value and represented by a decimal number. (for example, 12:00 PM is represented as 0.5 because it is half of a day) Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=MINUTE(A2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=MINUTE(A2) =48 Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
Syntax: =SECOND(serial_number) Arguments: serial_number Required The time that contains the seconds you want to find.
Description: Returns the seconds of a time value. Remarks: The second is given as an integer, ranging from 0 to 59. Times may be entered as text strings within quotation marks. (for example, "6:45 PM") Times may be entered as decimal numbers. (for example, 0.78125, which represents 6:45 PM) Times may be entered as results of other formulas or functions. (for example, TIMEVALUE("6:45 PM")) Microsoft Excel for Windows and Excel for the Macintosh use different date systems as their defaults. Time values are a portion of a date value and represented by a decimal number. (for example, 12:00 PM is represented as 0.5 because it is half of a day) Errors: None Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=SECOND(A2) Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=SECOND(A2) =18 Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=SECOND(A3) Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
=SECOND(A3) =0 Microsoft ® Excel ® Time Functions
MICROSOFT EXCEL TEXT FUNCTIONS FIND =FIND(find_text,within_text,[start_num]) LEFT =LEFT(text,[num_chars]) LEN =LEN(text) RIGHT =RIGHT(text,[num_chars]) CONCATENATECONCATENATE (including &) =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2],...) UPPER =UPPER(text) LOWER =LOWER(text) PROPER =PROPER(text) TRTRIM = TRIM(text) MID = MID(text, start_num, num_chars)
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =FIND(find_text,within_text,[start_num]) Arguments: find_text Required The text you want to find. within_text Required The text string containing the text you want to find. start_num Optional Specifies the character at which to start the search.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Locates one text string within a second text string, and returns the number of the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string Remarks: FIND always counts each character. The first character in within_text is character number 1. If you omit start_num, it is assumed to be 1. FIND is case sensitive. If find_text is "" (empty text), FIND matches the first character in the search string (that is, the character numbered start_num or 1).
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Errors: #VALUE! – If find_text does not appear in within_text #VALUE! – If start_num is not greater than zero #VALUE! – If start_num is greater than the length of within_text
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 11Miriam McGovern =FIND(“M”,A11) =1
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 11Miriam McGovern =FIND(“M”,A11,3) =8
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 11Miriam McGovern =FIND(“m”,A11) =6
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =LEFT(text,[num_chars]) Arguments: text Required The text string that contains the characters you want to extract. num_chars Optional Specifies the number of characters you want LEFT to extract.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Returns the first character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify Remarks: LEFT always counts each character. Num_chars must be => 0.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Sale Price =LEFT(A2,4) =Sale
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Sale Price 3Sweden =LEFT(A3) =S
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =LEN(text) Arguments: text Required The text whose length you want to find.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Returns the number of characters in a text string. Remarks: Spaces count as characters.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Phoenix, AZ 3 4 5 6 One =LEN(A2) =11
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Phoenix, AZ 3 4 5 6 One =LEN(A4) =0
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Phoenix, AZ 3 4 5 6 One =LEN(A6) =8
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =RIGHT(text,[num_chars]) Arguments: text Required The text string that contains the characters you want to extract. num_chars Optional Specifies the number of characters you want RIGHT to extract.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify. Remarks: RIGHT always counts each character. Num_chars must be => 0.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Sale Price 3 4Stock Number =RIGHT(A2,5) =Price
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Sale Price 3 4Stock Number =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(“ “,A2)) =RIGHT(A2,10-5) =RIGHT(A2,5) =Price
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions A 1Data 2Sale Price 3 4Stock Number =RIGHT(A4) =r
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2],...) Arguments: text1 Required The first text item to be concatenated. text2 Optional Additional text items, up to a maximum of 255 items, which must be separated by commas.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Joins up to 255 text strings into one text string. Remarks: The joined items can be text, numbers, cell references, or a combination of those items.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(“Stream Population for “,A2,” “,A3, “ is “,A4,”/mile”) =Stream Population for Brook trout species is 32/mile
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(B2, “ “, C2) =Andreas Hauser
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(C2, “, “, B2) =Hauser, Andreas
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(B3, “ & “, C3) =Fourth & Pine
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =B3& “ & “ &C3 =Fourth & Pine
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =UPPER(text) Arguments: text Required The text you want converted to uppercase.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Converts text to uppercase. Remarks: Text can be a reference or text string.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =UPPER(A2) =TOTAL
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =UPPER(A3) =YIELD
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =LOWER(text) Arguments: text Required The text you want converted to lowercase.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase. Remarks: LOWER does not change characters in text that are not letters.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =LOWER(A2) =e.e. cummings
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =LOWER(A3) =apt. 2b
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =PROPER(text) Arguments: text Required Text enclosed in quotation marks, a formula that returns text, or a reference to a cell containing the text you want to partially capitalize.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow any character other than a letter. Remarks: PROPER converts all other letters to lowercase letters.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =PROPER(A2) =This Is A Title
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =PROPER(A3) =2-Cent’S Worth
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions =PROPER(A4) =76Budget
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =TRIM(text) Arguments: text Required is the text from which you want spaces removed.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words. Use TRIM on text that you have received from another application that may have irregular spacing.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions
Syntax: =MID(text, start_num, num_chars) Arguments: Text Required. The text string containing the characters you want to extract. Start_num Required. The position of the first character you want to extract in text. The first character in text has start_num 1, and so on. Num_chars Required. Specifies the number of characters you want MID to return from text. Num_bytes Required. Specifies the number of characters you want MIDB to return from text, in bytes.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: MID returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify. Remarks: If start_num is greater than the length of text, MID returns "" (empty text). If start_num is less than the length of text, but start_num plus num_chars exceeds the length of text, MID returns the characters up to the end of text. If start_num is less than 1, MID returns the #VALUE! error value. If num_chars is negative, MID returns the #VALUE! error value. If num_bytes is negative, MIDB returns the #VALUE! error value.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions
MICROSOFT EXCEL DATABASE FUNCTIONS DAVERAGE =DAVERAGE(database,field,criteria) DCOUNT =DCOUNT(database,field,criteria) DMAX =DMAX(database,field,criteria) DMIN =DMIN(database,field,criteria) DSUM =DSUM(database,field,criteria)
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions Syntax: =DAVERAGE(database,field,criteria) Arguments: database Required The range of cells that makes up the list or database. field Required Indicates which column is used in the function. criteria Required The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions Description: Averages the values in a field (column) of records in a list or database that match conditions you specify. Remarks: You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it includes at least one column label and at least one cell below the column label for specifying the condition Although the criteria range can be located anywhere on the worksheet, do not place the criteria range below the list Make sure the criteria range does not overlap the list To perform an operation on an entire column in a database, enter a blank line below the column labels in the criteria range. Errors: None specified
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10,"Yield",A1:B2) The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10,"Yield",A1:B2) The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10,"Yield",A1:B2) The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10,"Yield",A1:B2) The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10,"Yield",A1:B2) =12 The average yield of apple trees over 10 feet in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10,3,A4:E10) The average age of all trees in the database.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10) The average age of all trees in the database.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10) The average age of all trees in the database.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10) The average age of all trees in the database.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DAVERAGE(A4:E10, 3,A4:E10) =13 The average age of all trees in the database.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMAX(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A3) The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMAX(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A3) The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMAX(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A3) The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMAX(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A3) The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMAX(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A3) =105 The maximum profit of apple and pear trees.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMIN(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:B2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMIN(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:B2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMIN(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:B2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMIN(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:B2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DMIN(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:B2) =75 The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DCOUNT(A4:E10,"Age",A1:F2) This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16 and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DCOUNT(A4:E10,"Age",A1:F2) This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16 and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DCOUNT(A4:E10,"Age",A1:F2) This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16 and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DCOUNT(A4:E10,"Age",A1:F2) This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16 and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DCOUNT(A4:E10,"Age",A1:F2) =1 This function looks at the records of apple trees between a height of 10 and 16 and counts how many of the Age fields in those records contain numbers.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DSUM(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A2) The total profit from apple trees.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DSUM(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DSUM(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DSUM(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A2) The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
Microsoft ® Excel ® Database Functions =DSUM(A4:E10,"Profit",A1:A2) =225 The minimum profit of apple trees over 10 in height.
SORTING DATA BY ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS 1.Select the data that you want to sort Select a range of data, such as A1:L5 (multiple rows and columns) or C1:C80 (a single column). The range can include titles that you created to identify columns or rows. 2. Sort quickly 1.Select a single cell in the column on which you want to sort. 2.Click Button Image to perform an ascending sort (A to Z or smallest number to largest). 3.Click to perform a descending sort (Z to A or largest number to smallest). 243
SORTING DATA BY ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS 3. Sort by specifying criteria You can choose the columns on which to sort by clicking the Sort command in the Sort & Filter group on the Data tab. 1.Select a single cell anywhere in the range that you want to sort. 2.On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort. The Sort dialog box appears. 3.In the Sort by list, select the first column on which you want to sort. 4.In the Sort On list, select either Values, Cell Color, Font Color, or Cell Icon. 5.In the Order list, select the order that you want to apply to the sort operation — alphabetically or numerically ascending or descending (that is, A to Z or Z to A for text or lower to higher or higher to lower for numbers). 244
APPLYING AUTO-FILTER ON ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS By filtering information in a worksheet, you can find values quickly. You can filter on one or more columns of data. With filtering, you can control not only what you want to see, but what you want to exclude. You can filter based on choices you make from a list, or you can create specific filters to focus on exactly the data that you want to see. When you filter data, entire rows are hidden if values in one or more columns don't meet the filtering criteria. 245
APPLYING AUTO-FILTER ON ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS 1.Select the data that you want to filter 1. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filter. 2. Click the arrow in the column header to display a list in which you can make filter choices. Note Depending on the type of data in the column, Microsoft Excel displays either Number Filters or Text Filters in the list. 246
APPLYING AUTO-FILTER ON ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS 2. Filter by selecting values or searching Selecting values from a list and searching are the quickest ways to filter. When you click the arrow in a column that has filtering enabled, all values in that column appear in a list. 247
APPLYING AUTO-FILTER ON ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS 1 Use the Search box to enter text or numbers on which to search 2 Select and clear the check boxes to show values that are found in the column of data 3 Use advanced criteria to find values that meet specific conditions 1. To select by values, in the list, clear the (Select All) check box. This removes the check marks from all the check boxes. Then, select only the values you want to see, and click OK to see the results. 2. To search on text in the column, enter text or numbers in the Search box. Optionally, you can use wildcard characters, such as the asterisk (*) or the question mark (?). Press ENTER to see the results. 248
APPLYING AUTO-FILTER ON ONE AND MULTIPLE COLUMNS 3. Filter data by specifying conditions By specifying conditions, you can create custom filters that narrow down the data in the exact way that you want. You do this by building a filter. If you've ever queried data in a database, this will look familiar to you. 1.Point to either Number Filters or Text Filters in the list. A menu appears that allows you to filter on various conditions. 2.Choose a condition and then select or enter criteria. Click the And button to combine criteria (that is, two or more criteria that must both be met), and the Or button to require only one of multiple conditions to be met. 3.Click OK to apply the filter and get the results you expect. 249
CALCULATING SUBTOTALS You can use Excel 2010's Subtotals feature to subtotal data in a sorted list. To subtotal a list, you first sort the list on the field for which you want the subtotals, and then you designate the field that contains the values you want summed — these don't have to be the same fields in the list. Excel does not allow you to subtotal a list formatted as a table. You must first convert your table into a normal range of cells. 250
CALCULATING SUBTOTALS How to add a subtotal to a worksheet? 1. Sort the list on the field for which you want subtotals inserted. 2. Click the Subtotal button in the Outline group on the Data tab. 251
CALCULATING SUBTOTALS 3. Select the field for which the subtotals are to be calculated in the At Each Change In drop-down list. 4. Specify the type of totals you want to insert in the Use function drop- down list. When you use the Subtotals feature, you aren't restricted to having the values in the designated field added together with the SUM function. You can instead have Excel return the number of entries with the COUNT function, the average of the entries with the AVERAGE function, the highest entry with the MAXIMUM function, the lowest entry with the MINIMUM function, or even the product of the entries with the PRODUCT function. 5. Select the check boxes for the field(s) you want to total in the Add Subtotal To list box. 6. Click OK. 252
CALCULATING SUBTOTALS Excel adds the subtotals to the worksheet. 253
APPLYING ADVANCED AUTO-FILTERS Insert at least three blank rows above the range that can be used as a criteria range. The criteria range must have column labels. Make sure there is at least one blank row between the criteria values and the range. 254
APPLYING ADVANCED AUTO-FILTERS In the rows below the column labels, type the criteria you want to match. 255
APPLYING ADVANCED AUTO-FILTERS 1.Click a cell in the range. 2.On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Advanced Filter. 3.To filter the range by hiding rows that don't match your criteria, click Filter the list, in-place. To filter the range by copying rows that match your criteria to another area of the worksheet, click Copy to another location, click in the Copy to box, and then click the upper-left corner of the area where you want to paste the rows. 4. In the Criteria range box, enter the reference for the criteria range, including the criteria labels.(A1:C3) To move the Advanced Filter dialog box out of the way temporarily while you select the criteria range, clickCollapse Dialog. 5. To change how the data is filtered, change the values in the criteria range and filter the data again. 256
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS Excel 2010 has an option of creating pivot table, as name implies it pivots down the existing data table and tries to make user understand the crux of it. 257
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS To start out with making pivot table, make sure that all rows and columns are selected. Navigate to Insert tab, click PivotTable. 258
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS You will reach Create Pivot Table dialog box. Excel fills in data range from first to last selected columns and rows. You can also specify any external data source to be used. Finally choose worksheet to save the pivot table report. Click OK to proceed further 259
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS Pivot table will appear. Now we will populate this table with data fields which is being present at the right side of the Excel window. 260
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS We start off with enabling Platform field, and then other fields. Excel start filling cells in a sequence you want to populate. The Platform field will come first in the Pivot Table as shown in screen shot. 261
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS For creating chart of pivot table, go to Insert tab, click Column select an appropriate chart type. In this example we will create a simple 3-D Column chart. 262
PIVOT TABLES & PIVOT CHARTS Chart content can be changed by using the options at the bottom-left of its area. 263
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