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Lab 07: AEV Design Analysis Tool Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV)

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 07: AEV Design Analysis Tool Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 07: AEV Design Analysis Tool Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV)

2 AEV Project Objective (Problem Definition) INITIAL CONCEPTS (Brainstorming) EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ANALYZE DESIGN DECISION RESEARCH COMPARE FINAL DESIGN Present AEV Design PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 (System Analysis)(Programming)

3 Design Analysis Tool  The purpose of creating and utilizing a design analysis tool is to increase productivity in the performance test phase of the project.  The project is now in the design cycle consisting of meeting four performance tests throughout the project.  Coded in-house in MATLAB to work with Arduino and Excel.

4 Design Analysis Tool - Features Performance Analysis File Menu: 1.Loading Arduino EEProm Data (.mat) Tools Menu: 1.Download EEProm Arduino Data 2.Export the plot 3.Clear File 4.View the Excel Sheet of data 5.View the Arduino Program if uploaded 6.Upload an Arduino Code

5 Downloading Arduino Data Tools Menu: 1.Download EEProm Arduino Data Select COM Port Append the Arduino Code (optional) Save the EEProm Arduino Data Follow the Lab Manual on how to bring up the various plots and figures

6 Format for the Rest of the Semester  Lab is now 3 days a week with a small lecture associated with each lab given in Lab # A.  Lab # A – Starts the Lab week with Test Readiness Review  Lab # B – Continue working on completing the task(s)  Lab # C – Ends the Lab week with Lab Memo due the following week

7 Documents for the Rest of the Semester  Test Readiness Review (TRR) – Short length executive summary that summarizes the lab’s objective and what each student is responsible for doing.  Performance Test (PT) Executive Summary – Summarizes the results and findings from the week’s lab.  Preliminary Design Review (PDR) – Midterm report that demonstrates that the preliminary design meets all system requirements with acceptable risk and is within cost and schedule constraints while establishing the basis for the detailed design.  Critical Design Review (CDR) – Final report that demonstrates that the final design met all system requirements with acceptable risk and was within cost and schedule constraints.

8 Performance Test 1 – Test Readiness Review Requirements  A small document reviewing what the team is going to accomplish this week and who is going to accomplish what tasks.  Performance Test 1: Create two different AEV vehicles and determine which system is a better, energy efficient vehicle.  Due: Beginning of PT1 – Lab 08A!

9 Preliminary Design Review  The PDR demonstrates that the preliminary design meets all system requirements with acceptable risk and is within cost and schedule constraints while establishing the basis for the detailed design. The Performance Tests will establish the system requirements and an established basis to continue with a detailed design. Need to plan ahead! Great for project management to see what is needed to be completed for the project.

10 Objectives of the PDR  Ensure that all system requirements have been allocated and the flow down is adequate to verify system performance.  Show that the proposed design is expected to meet the functional and performance requirements.  Show sufficient maturity in the proposed design approach to proceed to final design.

11 PDR Format & Material  Formal Report Cover Page Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables Body  Introduction  Selected AEV Concepts  Experimental Results  Conclusion Appendix  CAD Generated Drawings  Project Schedule for the Rest of the Project

12 Things to Remember  Test Readiness Review (Due: Lab 08A)  Update Project Portfolio  Extra Credit Video Part 2  Continue to work on PDR (Due: Lab 09B)

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