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New Technologies and Libraries Tracy Cook & Suzanne Reymer Fall Workshop 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "New Technologies and Libraries Tracy Cook & Suzanne Reymer Fall Workshop 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Technologies and Libraries Tracy Cook & Suzanne Reymer Fall Workshop 2010

2 Decline of Print Newspaper circulation down 7 million in the last 25 years. Online readers of newspapers up 30 million in the last 5 years. Traditional advertising is down while cell and computer advertising increase. –Newspaper decrease of 18.7% –TV decrease of 10.1% –Magazines decrease of 14.8% –Radio decrease of 11.7%

3 Where Are They Going for News?



6 Did you notice anything about the previous news apps? VIDEO Cisco estimates that within 4 years more 90% of the web's content will be video. (From TED talk "Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation.“)

7 Questions What does the decline of newspapers mean for libraries? If newspapers go away how do we get local news? Does the library have a role to play in getting local news to people? What is it? Note the visual/tactile nature of the iPad apps. How can our text-based library resources be made more visually appealing? Should they be?


9 Entertainment




13 News and entertainment are becoming Highly personalized On demand And social What does this mean for how libraries routinely offer news and entertainment resources?

14 Printed Books Are they next?

15 From “Publish or Perish” article in April 26, 2010 New Yorker Estimate is that 3-5% of book market is in e-books, but that sales of e-books will increase by 177%. Approximately 3 million Kindles in use as of April 2010 (roughly 3 times the population of Montana) More than 300,000 iPads were sold on the first day. Perhaps 5-7 million will be sold in the first year.

16 From medialIDEAS and Forrester Research Estimate is that sales of e-readers in the U.S. will be 3 million in 2010. For 2013 - projection is is that 115 million units will be sold worldwide. For 2020 - 446 million units worldwide (equivalent of the cell phone).

17 E-book Readers

18 And that’s not even counting E-reader apps for other devices

19 Nook for iPad

20 Kindle for iPad

21 Questions Are printed books the next thing to decline? What happens when you can get all of Western literature on a device for $50? What will it mean for libraries? Do people still need us? Why? How?

22 More Questions How do we serve people with e-book readers? What about people without e-book readers? What will collection development look like in the future? What will our libraries look like?

23 Mobile Devices

24 What are people using their cell phones for?

25 The following predictions may not be all that surprising… Stats from “Smart Phones to Overtake Feature Phones by 2011” from Nielsen Wire –Smart phones (capable of accessing the Internet) will outsell regular cell phones in 2011. From “Did You Know” video: –Mobile devices will be the primary way people connect to the Internet by 2020.


27 Montanalibrary2go

28 Montanalibrary2go

29 Application for ML2GO

30 More application shots

31 iPhone Apps - DCPL

32 WorldCat app Finding Your Book

33 WorldCat app Finding Your Library

34 NCSU iPhone App

35 Mobile Web Pages

36 Mary Meeker predicts that mobile internet will soon overtake fixed internet

37 Questions Should we care about people’s use of mobile devices? Why or Why not? If we do care how do we stay relevant? How do we serve people with mobile devices? How accessible are our library resources to those accessing them via touch or voice controls?

38 Cloud Computing

39 Google Docs

40 OCLC’s Web Scale Management Services

41 Questions What are the pros and cons of placing our information in the cloud? Are there privacy/security concerns? Will this help us better serve our users while also helping with our workload?

42 Augmented Reality

43 Google Goggles Landmarks

44 Augmented Reality

45 Questions How can we implement augmented reality in our libraries? Should we?

46 Social Networking Sites


48 Questions How do you use social networking? What about privacy issues?

49 Our world is changing rapidly, so the ultimate question is… What is a library, anyway? Answering that question may help us survive and thrive in the years to come.

50 References Did You Know 4.0 - EWe8&feature=PlayList&p=8493E1D687A 6049E&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&in dex=1 EWe8&feature=PlayList&p=8493E1D687A 6049E&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&in dex=1 EWe8&feature=PlayList&p=8493E1D687A 6049E&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&in dex=1 “Publish or Perish” New Yorker. April 26, 2010.

51 More references Mary Meeker: Mobile Internet Will Soon Take Over Fixed Internet - mobile-internet-will-soon-overtake-fixed-internet/ mobile-internet-will-soon-overtake-fixed-internet/ mobile-internet-will-soon-overtake-fixed-internet/ Nielsen Wire. “Smartphones to Overtake Feature Phones in the U.S. by 2011” - artphones-to-overtake-feature-phones-in-u-s-by- 2011/

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