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Back to the Basics Jesus is Savior 1 Timothy 2:3-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to the Basics Jesus is Savior 1 Timothy 2:3-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to the Basics Jesus is Savior 1 Timothy 2:3-6

2 1. Jesus is the Sensitive Savior- V.4 A. His Desire is for All - Jesus doesn’t want anyone to die and go to hell. B. His Desire must be Accepted - You have a choice whether to accept or reject the salvation of Jesus.

3 2. Jesus is the Singular Savior- Vs. 5-6a A. He is the Only Savior - Jesus is the only Savior! It is not Jesus plus anything else. It is just Jesus! B. He was our Substitute - He paid the ransom for our souls by giving Himself.

4 3. Jesus is the Secure Savior- V.6 A. His Salvation is always Successful - God can save anyone anytime! B. His Salvation is always Sustaining - God is holding onto you!

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