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SEE-GRID-SCI Miklos Kozlovszky NA3 Leader SZTAKI NA3 – Dissemination and Training Overview and achievements.

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Presentation on theme: "SEE-GRID-SCI Miklos Kozlovszky NA3 Leader SZTAKI NA3 – Dissemination and Training Overview and achievements."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEE-GRID-SCI Miklos Kozlovszky NA3 Leader SZTAKI NA3 – Dissemination and Training Overview and achievements PSC07 Meeting, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 Febr. 2010 The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

2 Milestones MNA3.1 - Project management information system established M01 (GRNET) MNA3.2 Promotional package available M03 (GRNET) MNA3.3 T-Infrastructure available M03 (SZTAKI) MNA3.4 Standardized training material available M09 (SZTAKI) Final plan for use and dissemination of foreground M24 (GRNET) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

3 NA3 Deliverables & Milestones Deliverables (all submitted on time) DNA3.1 - Internal and external web site, docs repository and mailing lists (GRNET) M02 DNA3.2a - Promotional package (GRNET) M03 DNA3.3a - Regional & national dissemination events report (SZTAKI) M12 DNA3.4a Regional & national -training events report (SZTAKI) M12 DNA3.2b - Promotional package (GRNET) M13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DNA3.3b - Regional & national dissemination events report (SZTAKI) M24 DNA3.4b Regional & national training events report (SZTAKI) M24 DNA3.5 - Final plan for use and dissemination of foreground (GRNET) M24 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

4 NA3 Tasks NA3.1 - Develop and maintain communication infrastructure NA3.2 - Prepare and update project promotional package NA3.3 - Prepare project dissemination and use material NA3.4 - Organize and participate in PR events and conferences NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events. NA3.6 – Develop and maintain training infrastructure and training community. NA3.7 – Training and dissemination Quality Assurance NA3.8 – Standardization of SEE-GRID-SCI training materials PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

5 NA3.1:Communication infrastructure NA3.1 - Internal and external web site, docs repository and mailing lists  Mailing lists  Official SEE-GRID-SCI website  SEE-GRID-SCI Training Centre  SEE-GRID Wiki  PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

6 NA3.1 Web presence (need to update for the review) Official SEE-GRID-SCI Portal  Ranking on Google with “see-grid-sci”: 1st place Official SEE-GRID-SCI Training Portal  Ranking on Google with “see-grid-sci training”: 3rd, 5th places  with “seegrid training”: 2 nd place (1 st is the old see-grid2 training site) Number of SEE-GRID-SCI related WEB sites  Infrastructure sites and application/VO sites: 15+ sites Monitoring and Operational tools:12+ CA web sites in SEE-GRID-SCI Region:9+ PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

7 NA3.1 Web presence WEB visibility enhancement Per VO  Extensive Wiki usage (primary web communication channel)  Dedicated VO portal (seismo) Per applications  Detailed, well defined information about the applications (located on the SEE-GRID-SCI Wiki)  Description, licensing, system architecture, available, etc.  Forced enhancement of on-line application presentation materials  Scientific results (papers and conferences) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

8 NA3.2:Promotional package NA3.2 - Promotional package created/updated   SEE-GRID-SCI presentation  Core brochure PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

9 NA3.3 - Prepare project dissemination and use material Posters Official poster of the SEE-GRID-SCI project: 1 Posters of each scientific VO: 3x1+ (7 of UF’09, please upload to the same place where presentations are!) Other posters: 4+ 1 + ? PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

10 NA3.3 - Prepare project dissemination and use material Newsletters & Media presence Newsletters  SEE-GRID-SCI Newsletter, Issue no1, November 2008  SEE-GRID-SCI Newsletter, Issue no2, April 2009  SEE-GRID-SCI Newsletter, Issue no3, November 2009  Other:  CERN Computer Newsletter  Monthly bulletin of BAS TV (3) +1 SEE-GRID-SCI press releases (3) + 1 Newspapers (3) + 1 e-Newspapers (3) + 1  BELIEF-II Zero-In magazine  International Science Grid This Week (ISGTW) Scientific papers (30+) + 57  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer LNCS:5101,5207, 4395, etc.), Journal of the State Agency for ITC and in Conference Proceedings Other materials  Promotional video – ATOMARIUM – Micro World Visualization:  Virtual tour about SEE-GRID-SCI project internet video (Turkey)  Interview in TV Pancevo (UOB) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

11 ISGTW submissions Timeline to create the ISGTW articles: By the end the following applications are expected of the month to be submitted to iSGTW: ------------ ------------------------------------------------ M12 NMMC3D (from Seismo) M13 M14 Lizza-PAKP (from Env) M15 ELF (from Seismo) M16 MCSAES (from Env) M17 SDS (from Seismo) M18 MSERRHSA (from Env) M19 WRF-ARF (from Meteo) + FPS (from Seismo) M20 MSACM (from Env) + SRA (from Seismo) M21 GreenView (from Env) + MDSSP-WA (from Seismo) M22 CHERS (from Env) + REFS (from Meteo) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

12 Dissemination and training events Dissemination events  Official SEE-GRID portal Training events  Official Training portal PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

13 NA3.4: Dissemination event statistics 1st year total number of SEE-GRID-SCI dissemination events: 46 + 27 SEE-GRID-SCI focused dissemination events: 16 +17 Dissemination events organized externally from the SEE-GRID-SCI consortium. (Participation with presentation, posters and other dissemination materials on external events): 30 + 10 ? Dissemination event for Meteorologists, ??.02.2010, ??,Greece PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

14 Past Event: SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009 SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009 Regional dissemination/training event, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2009 (2 full days)  Regional workshop for Earth Sciences (3 VOs)  Large event: end users, application developers were attended  Invited keynote speakers from external communities EGEE/EELA/etc. User/developer training for Earth Science communities (all 3 VOs) (1 day) Proceedings published Training and scientific presentation materials are available online PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

15 NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events Overall training event statistics Total number of training events delivered: 19 + 15  34 Total number of participants attending events:290 + 245  535 Regional training events  Regional SEE-GRID-SCI Training for Site Administrators, 05-06.03.2009, Belgrade, Serbia  Training of Meteorologists from RS, BA, and ME, 25-25.06.2007, Belgrade, Serbia  SEE-GRID-SCI Training: Grid for Earth Sciences, 11.12.2009, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey  Georgian-Armenian Regional Meteorology Workshop in Georgia., 13- 15.07.2009, Tbilisi, Georgia  Grid Developer/Administrator Training, 01.-02.04.2010, Tbilisi, Armenia National training events:16 + 12 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

16 NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events (contd.) Training events per partner during 1 st year Old slide PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

17 Training Events (status) Actual Planned (from event calendar) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

18 NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events (contd.) VO specific training events: Dedicated Seismology VO trainings (1) Dedicated Environmental VO trainings (4) + 2 Dedicated Meteo VO trainings (3) +2 Multi VO trainings (1) + 3 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

19 NA3.5 - Organize and participate in technical workshops and training events (contd.) Targeted audience Audience1st year2nd yearSummary of the whole project End users139End users22 Application developers117Application developers18 Site administrators44 8 PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

20 Coming Training events National grid administrator training, 12.03.2010, Technical University of Moldova Env. Prot. VO training event on ESIP and GreenView final versions, 03.2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Grid Developer/Administrator Training (Armenia), 01.- 02.04.2010, Tbilisi, Armenia Grid end-user training (Seismo+ Env. Prot. VOs), 22.04.2010, Budapest, Hungary PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

21 NA3.8 – Standardization of SEE- GRID-SCI training materials Training Material Repository available @ SEE-GRID-SCI Training Centre Training Material collection available for:  Grid Induction Courses  Grid Administration Courses  Grid Application Developer Courses VO specific materials available  Seismology VO Introduction Training Material  Environmental Prot. VO Introduction Training Material  Meteorology VO Introduction Training Material VO-specific training materials  Compilation in progress (some materials still missing) PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

22 Coming Dissemination Events Informacione Tehnologije - IT 2010, 24-27 February 2010, Zabljak Montenegro 5th EGEE User Forum, Uppsala, Sweden, April 12-15, 2010 ? -----------------------------------------out of funding… EGU 2010 (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02 – 07 May 2010) MIPRO 2010, Croatia PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

23 Action Points Register the passed and forthcoming missing dissemination events Finish the VO specific training materials  Upload presentation materials to the Training website (some meteo materials still missing) Upload posters Information about some committed events are missing:  Dissemination event for Meteorologists, 02.2010, Greece  National training event for Grid operators, 02.2010, Bucharest, Romania  Env. Prot. VO training event on ESIP and GreenView final versions, 03.2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania VO-specific training material compilation in progress Need to collect the scientific work of the project: Scientific material/paper query will be distributed, please update it PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

24 Thank you… PSC7, Zabljak, Montenegro, 22-23 February 2010.

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