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Experiences as an End User of the GENI Infrastructure By: Derek Meyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences as an End User of the GENI Infrastructure By: Derek Meyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences as an End User of the GENI Infrastructure By: Derek Meyer

2 Overview Experiment Setup My background Tools used/issues

3 Wimax Demos o Drone  Camera -> RPi -> WiMAX (Usb – Teltonika) -> Instageni Rack -> External Web Frontend o Plane  Camera -> RPi -> WiMAX (Usb/Wifi – GP Modem) -> Instageni - > External Web Frontend  GPS -> Laptop -> Wifi (GP Modem) -> Instageni Rack  Phone (Skype) -> Wifi (GP Modem) -> Internet -> UC Davis Wifi Exp Desc

4 GENI for a while now Wimax Admin o Omf-aggmgr Openflow tutorial(s) No Flack tutorials Followed Gemini tutorial on web My Background

5 Initial Reaction This is easy o Sso o Project creation easy o Adding people to project works well (More on that later) o Using pre-written Rspecs  Single Linux container booted in a few mintues (FC13?)

6 Initial Issues Encountered New users o Doesn’t seem to create new users automatically when added to the project  Public key and user pushed, when? Flack o Hard to create a single vm with ext. ip o Link specification not straight forward  Can’t just say one ext. IP and one on the geni wimax vlan o Couldn’t get any vm created

7 GENI Desktop o Or Not

8 GENI Desktop o Or Not

9 GENI Desktop o Private KEY?!! o Graphs worked fine, until outage o Security Certs (Self signed)

10 Rspecs o Public ones change  Find one that does what you need, but then disappears o Complicated  Can’t write your own or modify –Need intimate knowledge

11 Wimaxrf (omf-aggmgr) Version number? o Omf-aggmgr updates  Release packages?  Release console node images? –Mac addresses, configs, etc, in a database? o Emulab vm style?  Create VM with wimax bridged interface? –Not useful for some experiments o Schedule on the GENI page? Login o Single-sign-on, link to wimax

12 Thank You

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