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BTT20I Topic: If I had a million dollar what would I do with it.

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2 BTT20I Topic: If I had a million dollar what would I do with it.

3  I will give some charity to the poor

4  Donate some money to my mosque  buy lot of Quran When donating money to Mosque Allah with open the path for you and your family.

5 6/4/2016 donate some to a Islamic School donate money to public school

6 6/4/2016 Give my grandmother some grandmother cook the best food

7 6/4/2016 In this world most children must be thankful to have a mother and a father. Give my mother and daddy

8 6/4/2016  Give some to my sister to go and study in university

9 6/4/2016  I will buy food  Do shopping watch movie at the theater

10 BIBI HANIFF CODE:BTT2O1 Topic: If I had a billion dollar what would you do with the money

11 SEND MONEY TO AFRICA AND HELP THE POOR o Help the children in Africa  help Africa children to smile and play

12 MONEY FOR MYSELF  I will go to hajj A city in Makka

13 JUST DON’T DONATE MONEY ALONE TO ORPHAN BUT ALSO BUY CLOTHS AND COOK FOOD UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE Give children a change to live a life like a normal human being. Donate money to orphan

14 CHILDREN CARE WITH CANCER Give some amount of money towards children cancer.  give children the happiness in life  show lots of love and care

15 MY DREAM PLACE TO VISIT I will go and visit Indian Different places like  Mumbai  Delhi

16 UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE  Pay for University or College  university

17 BIBLIOGRAPHY  makkah/ makkah/  en/children_cancer_faq/children_s_cancer_faq.aspx en/children_cancer_faq/children_s_cancer_faq.aspx 

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