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This is a PowerPoint all about Energy!!. A light bulb is : A type of light we put in the celling to get a brighter place. It is very useful.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a PowerPoint all about Energy!!. A light bulb is : A type of light we put in the celling to get a brighter place. It is very useful."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a PowerPoint all about Energy!!

2 A light bulb is : A type of light we put in the celling to get a brighter place. It is very useful.

3 A electricity circuit board is: A board that you put batteries or light bulbs in to make something work.

4 A Battery is: A thing that you put in a something that runs on batteries which makes those things work. A Battery is: A thing that you put in a something that runs on batteries which makes those things work.

5 Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist (or natural philosopher, in the terminology of the time) who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

6 A wind Turbine is: A power source that is used for making energy!

7 A solar Panel is: A type of thing you put on top of your roof so you can get Energy!

8 A Geothermal Plant is: a factory that makes energy(I think )

9 A Solar Farm is: Cells which convert sunlight into electricity.

10 A electric car is: A car that only runs on batterys and energy. It does not run on gas like other cars.

11 A parallel circuit is: A closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit

12 A motor is: A machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy.

13 A filament is a very small natural fibers

14 Crocodile clips are clips you use to generate energy to a car.

15 A in insulator is a material such as glass with electrical things in it.

16 Climate change is when the weather changes.Example: If its sunny for an hour then it starts to rain.

17 An oil rig is A machine used for drilling to get oil.

18 Google Google definitions. Some help from Ana!! G oogle G oogle definitions. S ome help from Ana!!

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