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Sh - [∫] [∫] She sells sea shells at the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells.

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Presentation on theme: "Sh - [∫] [∫] She sells sea shells at the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sh - [∫] [∫] She sells sea shells at the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

3  Who is on duty today?  Who is absent today?  What date is it today?  What season is it now?  What is the weather like today?  Do you like such weather? Why?

4  It is November now.  It is snowing at this moment.  We are speaking now.  It is Biology now.  The sky is grey and it is raining.


6  To learn the words on the topic “Shops and shopping”;  to speak about shops and things we can buy there;  to practice in using yes/no questions ( General Questions);  to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, listening and writing skills.

7 New words : 1.Chemist’s [ ‘kemists] аптека 2.Jeweller’s [‘d3u:Iəѕ] ювелірний магазин 3.Bookshop [‘ buk∫op] книжковий магазин 4.Butcher’s [‘but ∫əѕ ] м’ясний магазин 5.Greengrocer’s [ ‘gri:n grousəѕ ] овочевий магазин 6.Baker’s [‘beikes] булочна 7.Clothes shop [ klou∂z] магазин одягу 8.Shoe shop [∫u: ∫op ] взуттєвий магазин 9.Supermarket [sju:pəmα:kit] супермаркет

8 Chemist’sJeweller’sButcher’sGreengrocer’sBookshopClothes shopBaker’s Striped shirt, toothpaste, carrot, cucumber, plain suit, cabbage, pear, toothbrush, meat, a loaf of bread, checked jacket, brown belt, flowered sweater, plum, cherry, a book, high-heeled boots, notebook, a patterned skirt, a ring, earrings.


10 -Yes, please. -Hello. Can I help you? -What else? -I'd like to buy a can of Coke and a carton of orange juice. -Here you are. -Have you got some nuts? I want: a packet of peanuts, please. -Thank you.

11 – Hello. Can I help you? – Yes, please. – I'd like to buy a can of Coke and a carton of orange juice. – What else? – Have you got some nuts? I want: a packet of peanuts, please. – Here you are. – Thank you.


13 Post – reading activity 1) Buying food is usually done at the … 2) Shopping in the supermarkets... 3) In the supermarket you … 4) Sales are … 5) Sainsbury’s supermarkets are … 6) Tesco’s supermarkets sell …

14 Допоміж- не дієслово Підмет Смисло- ве дієслово Додаток Загальне запитання - це запитання, яке ставиться до всього речення і яке потребує відповіді «так» чи «ні» («yes» or «no»).

15 1. Do we take notice of other people’s feelings? 2. Is he usually smiling and happy? 3. Does my sister always enjoy the company of other people?

16  What topic have we been discussing at the lesson today?  What new words have you learned?  What type of question have you repeated?

17  To learn new words;  To make exercise 5 page 67 (write one yes/no question to the following sentences );  To make exercise 6 page 67 (write e- mail to your friend and tell him/her what things you can buy in different shops in Ukraine).

18 Thank you for your work and attention!!!

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