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B Y S OPHIE W ILLIAMSON. W HAT IS KARATE Karate is a sport that teaches you to how to defended yourself from strangers and anyone who wants to attack.

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Presentation on theme: "B Y S OPHIE W ILLIAMSON. W HAT IS KARATE Karate is a sport that teaches you to how to defended yourself from strangers and anyone who wants to attack."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS KARATE Karate is a sport that teaches you to how to defended yourself from strangers and anyone who wants to attack you. When you train you train in a non harmful way with no contacted. Karate can teach you lots of different moves like: Punches Kicks Blocks And moves to get away from the person attaching.

3 W HAT DO YOU WEAR IN KARATE In karate you wear a uninform witch is called a Gi. Your Gi can be a white jacket and black pants or a black jacket with white pants/ Also in karate you have a coloured belt witch tells people how long you have been doing karate for and how good you are. When you enter the dojo (witch is another name for room) you must take off your shoes.

4 E QUIPMENT YOU US IN KARATE In karate you can us a lot of different equipment if you choose. Such as… Pads to punch. Air bags to kick. Foam swords to hit people and block. Gym mats to do flips on. Also you a mouth guard, hand mits and shin protectors to spare in. All of the equip that we use helps us with learning techniques.

5 S HOWING RESPECT To show respect while doing karate you must… Wear you Gi clean, neat and with pride. Take off your shoes at the door. Bowing at the door before entering and leaving. Bow to your teachers. Shaking hands to your partner or opponent. Untying your belt before you leave.

6 H OW TO DO KARATE To do karate first you must find a dojo to be taught in. Second you will have to buy all of the equipment you need and uniform. After that you show to the classes to learn how to punch, block, kick and katas. Then when you are good at karate and learnt what to do you can grade to get more belts. Carrey on doing this unit you have your black belt with 3 dans.


8 R EFERENCES karate-character-md.png pg https://encrypted- lz0MtrhwunsMVL8-_Z6GVP2lpm9N25Q https://encrypted- oeD6IWNshu6STYshCZoNdz https://encrypted- RK5IzFRC0NwYohPt-YCkWBqLZ2A

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