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The theory under the traditional legal concept of parens patriae (the state is the parent)is that children commit crimes because they have been abused,

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Presentation on theme: "The theory under the traditional legal concept of parens patriae (the state is the parent)is that children commit crimes because they have been abused,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The theory under the traditional legal concept of parens patriae (the state is the parent)is that children commit crimes because they have been abused, mistreated, or neglected. Many states are now taking a less sympathetic view of juvenile crime. The offenders are considered misfits who are victimizing society rather than victims of society. Do you think this change is reasonable? Explain why or why not.

2 Claire Bilandic was 17 but looked older. She tried to buy a beer at the local bar. The bartender asked her age and she said that she was 22 years old. When the bartender asked for Bilandic’s identification, she told him she had left it in her car. The bartender sold her the beer. Could the bartender be prosecuted? Explain

3 What is a crime? What are the two elements that define a crime? A crime is an act of breaking the law. The two elements are: 1) The criminal act itself 2) The required state of mind (intent)

4 What are the classifications of crimes?  Crimes against people (murder, manslaughter, assault, battery, rape)  Crimes against property (burglary, robbery, larceny, embezzlement, arson)  Crimes against business ( fraud, forgery, bribery, extortion)

5 What are the most common defenses to crimes?  Insanity  Entrapment  Self-Defense  Defense of Family Members

6 Crimes against business are sometimes commonly referred to as “white collar crimes”. Why do you think these crimes are often justified by the people that are committing them? Explain.

7 Lee Jones was shopping in a liquor store and picked up a bottle of vodka and placed it in his jacket. He did not leave the store. When he was approached by a store employee, he dropped the bottle, and fled the store. Later on, Lee was arrested for shoplifting based on video evidence and the employee’s statements. Did Lee commit an act of shoplifting, even though he did not leave the store with the merchandise? Explain.

8 Yes, Lee is guilty of shoplifting. Concealment is generally not expected in a self-service store. The prima facie evidence rule would allow this to be a crime because he knowingly hid the bottle. The intent to deprive the owner of the property can be inferred from Lee’s concealment of the store’s property.

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