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Gathering Evidence Or How to support your assertion that the problem you have chosen exists!

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2 Gathering Evidence Or How to support your assertion that the problem you have chosen exists!

3 What you need to have finished! Recognized a clearly defined social problem of today that parallels a problem from your summer reading. Localized the problem Listed three undesirable social conditions that result from this problem

4 What you need to do! Make a list of possible search terms Use thesaurus to help make a list of alterative search terms What other terms or phrases could you use in your search terms that have similar meaning?

5 How do I search? Use the list of terms you created and try different combinations of terms: child neglect Bronx, adolescent abuse Bronx, teen mistreatment Bronx.

6 How do I search? Use quotes around words of phrases that belong together: “Bronx, New York”, “Child abuse in the Bronx”.

7 How do I search? Use Boolean terms to help narrow or broaden the search. The terms are: AND, OR, NOT.

8 Boolean Terms AND AbuseNeglect

9 Boolean Terms OR AbuseNeglect

10 Boolean Terms NOT AbuseNeglect

11 What information do I need from the sites? Review your MLA guidelines for documenting electronic sources. Basically, you will need: title, author, publisher or URL, date published and/or date data was retrieved for each source. Check the integrity of the site: des/Internet/Evaluate.html des/Internet/Evaluate.html

12 Finally, be certain … that the information supports your premise that a problem exists. you have written down all the information on the worksheet.

13 Where should you search? Search engines: Dogpile, Altavista, FedStats, The Bronx on the Web, Citizen’s Access to Local Government. DogpileAltavista FedStatsThe Bronx on the WebCitizen’s Access to Local Government

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