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Short introduction to fusion energy and ITER Søren Bang Korsholm Senior Scientist, Industrial Liaison officer 13.01.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Short introduction to fusion energy and ITER Søren Bang Korsholm Senior Scientist, Industrial Liaison officer 13.01.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short introduction to fusion energy and ITER Søren Bang Korsholm Senior Scientist, Industrial Liaison officer 13.01.2011

2 Potential of fusion  250 kg of deuterium and tritium = 2.700.000.000 kg coal  Abundant and easily assessable resources  No CO 2 release  Inherently safe  No long-lived radioactive waste

3 How do we achieve fusion energy?  Heat the fuel to 200 million degrees C (15 times the temperature of the core of the Sun)  Keep the fuel floating in a strong magnetic field (5-10 Tesla) in a vacuum chamber of 1000 m 3  It can be done! – It has been done

4 Fusion energy in Hollywood Doctor Octopus in Spiderman 2

5 Fusion energy in science – JET, Oxford

6 Remote handling is required

7 ITER – the next step  EU is the host – deliver 45 %  7 partners: EU, India, Japan, China, Korea, Russia and USA  ~15 billion Euros  ~10 years  First contracts in 2008  Ready in 2019

8 A different view on ITER

9 For more information  Contact me for questions regarding industrial involvement in ITER: Søren Bang Korsholm Industrial Liaison Officer for Denmark to Fusion for Energy +45 20 64 55 61   Infopages  Articles  Links  The brochures and DVDs

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