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Welcome to School Year 2012-2013! What new things do you notice? Or wonder about? Agenda: Who am I?, 8 th Grade Norms, Procedures in this classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to School Year 2012-2013! What new things do you notice? Or wonder about? Agenda: Who am I?, 8 th Grade Norms, Procedures in this classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to School Year 2012-2013! What new things do you notice? Or wonder about? Agenda: Who am I?, 8 th Grade Norms, Procedures in this classroom

2 Ms Gerben Language Arts Teaching for a decade; former Army and defense contractor Advanced degrees in Military Arts and Sciences and Education Three children, only one at home Three dogs, four horses, one cat Born and raised in Pittsburgh (Go, Steelers!)

3 A DayB Day 1-2 3-4 5 6 7 8-9

4 Student Union is the ONLY place you are allowed to eat! NO GUM ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS!

5 My Classroom Rules Be respectful. Be responsible. Be fun to be around. (Fun for ALL of us to be around.)


7 Use single file when moving as a class. Example: FIRE DRILL! Line up alphabetically by LAST name. Proceed SOUNDLESSLY.

8 Headings are: Name (First and Last) Period Date Assignment Title

9 You need a hallpass to go: Out of the collaboration area Beyond the lockers Including the restroom.

10 Your hall pass must be in YOUR agenda!* Include your destination and time you are leaving. Teacher signs for permission. Your agenda is the one with YOUR name written in PERMANENT marker. If you lose your agenda, buy an equivalent. Leave pages, even when time has passed. (Do NOT fold or rip them out.) Breaks: We will try to take a 3-minute break daily, depending on behavior and task completion.

11 Dismissal: The teacher dismisses you, not the bell! (You knew I’d say that.) When dismissed, walk politely out of the classroom and to your next class. Walk on the right.

12 JacketWater (ONLY!) Other personal items

13 Collaboration Area Mediascape PCs Collaboration Time is to expand time available for group projects, independent reading, small-group instruction, and team-building activities. You may be working in your Collaboration “class”, with a small group from another class, making up work, getting extra help, or working on something with the entire eighth grade.

14 Your supplies and Classroom Library Turn in work here, find missed/make up work here Sign out books here Find reference books here My Area! Classroom sets here; not for check out. These books require special permission for check out.

15 New Textbook! Will stay in the classroom We will use it!

16 Weekly vocabulary and spelling. Books will go home. Thursday is Vocabulary Day: test and packets due.

17 Find my website and link to ebackpack here. I will use ebackpack mostly after iPads are distributed. This lesson is on the website. Review it!

18 You may do Accelerated Reader for EXTRA CREDIT. You are required to turn in a Book Report monthly. Dates and procedures will be available in ebackpack. First one: due early September.

19 Check your grades on Powerschool frequently. Writing is graded with a rubric; Basic rubric is available on my webpage. Standard grading: 90-100: A 80-89: B 70-79: C 60-69: D <60: F

20 Receive assignments. Turn in work. Always check to make sure you turn work into the CORRECT folder!

21 Bellwork: Grammar Edits (Caught Yas) Daily, tested monthly, mid-term and final Use information in your own writing! Pencil and paper.

22 Journal Time: once weekly, on ipad. Goal: to write for an extended period of time. Graded on quantity, not quality. All other writing graded on quality.

23 Miscellaneous (Misc.) Late work: Extensions require PRIOR request and a GOOD reason. Otherwise, half a letter grade every day it’s late. Absences: You get an extension of one day for every day you are absent. Supplies: You MUST have pencil and paper daily. If you forget your iPad or it’s not charged, plan on using pencil and paper. You will also need two pocket folders. You should have available: blue/black pens, red pens, highlighters, ruler, scissors, markers, etc., especially at home.

24 When? Should be distributed this week. Plan on receiving instructions tomorrow during Collaboration Time.

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