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UNEP-GRID Data Centre Bacground for request for its establishment.

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1 UNEP-GRID Data Centre Bacground for request for its establishment

2 Initial process Internal Norwegian hearing on marine research issues in 2000 on the initiative of the MFA NPD proposal that the seabed and its subsoil be included on the UN agenda, and, in particular, identifying measures to facilitate the use by developing States of existing scientific data from their continental shelf, inter alia, in the delineation of the outer limits of that shelf

3 Main concerns 10 year deadline for submission Many data holders with little capacity to handle a large number of requests One, neutral data manager more efficient than many independant consultants A number of developing states with anticipated limited resources and infrastructure An efficient measure for capacity building

4 Proposal to UN Norwegian MFA put forward proposal to UN General Assembly in 2001 and 2002 to establish a data centre under UNEP to assist developing States and small island States In 2002 a consensus text was adopted by the GA requesting UNEP to consider the establishment of such a data centre

5 Project study and implementation MFA grant to perform a project study to make an outline of the data centre and an implementation plan MFA and local Authority grant to arrange international workshop on the structure and main functions of such a data centre Final report by August 2003 Final decision on location and funding by end 2003

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