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The Brain Game. For this Activity, you will break into three, four or five groups depending on the period- by numbering off (1,2,3 etc…). Each group will.

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Presentation on theme: "The Brain Game. For this Activity, you will break into three, four or five groups depending on the period- by numbering off (1,2,3 etc…). Each group will."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brain Game

2 For this Activity, you will break into three, four or five groups depending on the period- by numbering off (1,2,3 etc…). Each group will have a chance to answer questions that are related to different parts of the human brain. Starting with team number one (1)-the team will be given a question and one (1) minute to write the answer in the correct place on the Brain Diagram located on the board. Teams will receive 1 point for a correct answer, and 1 additional point for labeling the part in the correct location. If the team whose turn it is to answer the question gets it wrong, the next team gets a chance to answer the question. The team with the most points will receive 5 bonus points on your next unit test!!

3 Pressure from a tumor on this part of the brain causes a person to become very aggressive when simple emotional pressures arise. Teens tend to use this part MORE than their rational frontal lobes when judging situations, causing them to overreact sometimes.


5 The Cell body of a neuron, which contains the nucleus and other parts that keep the cell healthy


7 This layer covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses


9 This part receives messages from other cells- they appear to be ‘branching’ extensions of a neuron


11 This is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Generally, this area is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.


13 The tiny, fluid filled gap between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron


15 This is a chemical messenger that travels across the synapse from one neuron to the next. They can influence whether the second neuron will generate an action potential or not


17 Endocrine glands that help to arouse the body in times of stress, located just above the kidneys


19 Epileptic seizures have become so severe that this part of the brain is cut during surgery to disconnect the two hemispheres of the brain. This quiets the electrical storm raging between the two sides.


21 This area of the brain regulates things like body temperature and hunger, which is why many diet drugs target this part of the brain


23 A blow to the base of the back of the head in a part known as the “little brain” makes the person wobble and struggle to run. This part of the brain is affected when alcohol is consumed causing people to lose coordination and balance.


25 Damage to this area causes a person not to form NEW memories properly. If this area was damaged, you would not have been able to learn what this part of the brain is.


27 Crushing this area of the brain causes all vital functions to stop, as when Dale Earnhardt crashed his car into the wall at Daytona.


29 An injury to this area of the brain makes someone sluggish because areas of the brain pertinent to concentration and paying attention are not being notified. This area is known to control the ‘wakefulness’ of a person.


31 Damage to any part of this ‘system’ can affect hunger and thirst, aggression and fear-This system includes the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, and the amygdala.


33 Damage to this, “Oldest part of the brain” can cause severe damage to automatic survival functions.


35 Damage to this part of the brain, which works as a sensory ‘switchboard,’ would cause different sensory messages not to be received by certain portions of the brain.


37 This connects the two parts of the brain and allows them to communicate with each other…


39 This part of the brain controls your heartbeat, breathing, circulation and swallowing…


41 Located in the left temporal lobe, this area is involved with your ability to understand what someone else says. Damage to this area may leave a person able to hear words, but unable to comprehend the meaning of sentences created. This person could understand the visual parts of a computer: mouse, keyboard, speakers, but not be able to recognize the computer as a whole


43 A football player hits the back of his helmet on the ground and experiences blurred vision. This would affect which rear Lobe in the human brain.


45 Located in the left frontal lobe, this area directs the muscle movements involved in speech. Damage to this area, which often happens to victims of a stroke, result in difficulty with spoken language. The stroke victim can form ideas but cannot turn those ideas into coherent speech


47 When your alarm went off this morning, this part of the brain caused us to “rise and shine” so we can be alert and ready for the day


49 This lobe is considered our emotional control center and home to our personality. This lobe is extremely vulnerable to damage due to its location.


51 This side controls a persons ability to write with their right hand.


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