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Thalamus & Cerebral Cortex Avinash Bharadwaj ANHB 2217 – 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Thalamus & Cerebral Cortex Avinash Bharadwaj ANHB 2217 – 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thalamus & Cerebral Cortex Avinash Bharadwaj ANHB 2217 – 2006

2 The Diencephalon Thalamus A miniature brain! Hypothalamus Visceral, limbic and neuroendocrine functions Epithalamus Pineal “Metathalamus” Really, a part of the thalamus – special sensory functions Subthalamus Part of motor control systems, between thalamus and midbrain.

3 The Thalamus Part of the diencephalon Topographically Between midbrain and the cerebral cortex Major ascending and descending fibre systems : Internal capsule  corona radiata Relationship with corpus striatum

4 Topography

5 Nuclear Masses Internal medullary lamina Anterior Lateral Dorsal and posterior Pulvinar Medial Geniculate bodies Reticular nuclei Terminology and problems…! Miniature brain

6 Nuclear Masses Ventral posterior Sensory relay station Somatic, taste, vestibular VP-M (Head), VP-L Somatotopism VL Aff : Cerebellum, pallidum Eff : Motor areas VA Pallidum, motor cortex Posterior (incl pulvinar) and intralaminar Pain perception

7 Nuclear Masses LP Somatosensory association cortex Limbic Connections MD, LD, Anterior LGB Visual pathway MGB Auditory pathway

8 Cerebral Cortex General topography – lobes, gyri, sulci Functional localisation Blood supply and its implications Histology Neuron types Layers Connections “Cortical cytoarchitecture” Cortex and higher functions, hemispheric specialisation…

9 General Topography Frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes “Limbic lobe and system” Lateral, central, calcarine and other sulci Lab exercises and website.

10 Functional Localisation General sensory Motor – Frontal lobe and others Auditory – temporal lobe Visual – occipital lobe Language areas Sensory integration Sounds and sights, words and concepts Motor speech area

11 Localisation and Blood Supply M C A P C A A C A Map functional areas! Last Slide

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