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INTRODUCTION: This document is a cartoon made by Zapiro in 2008

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1 INTRODUCTION: This document is a cartoon made by Zapiro in 2008
INTRODUCTION: This document is a cartoon made by Zapiro in is also the year of Barack Obama’s election. DESCRIPTION/INTERPRÉTATION: In the top left hand corner, we can see Rosa Parks, she is sitting in a bus. The bus is surely the Montgomery bus in which she refused to let her seat in favor of a white man. In this first box (panel, frame), we can read « Rosa Parks sat so that MLK could walk ». RP sat in the Montgomery bus in 1955 and MLK walked in Washington in This sentence is a transition to the next picture.

2 Indeed, in the second panel, we can see MLK and we can read « MLK walked so that Obama could run ». MLK is demonstrating, we can easily guess that it is the 1963 March in Washington. We can see placards in the background and two policemen on the right. On one of the placards, we can read « jobs », indeed the 1963 March was a March to ask for equal job opportunities for Blacks and Whites. MLK « walked » leading the way for Obama’s campaign. Obama « ran » for presidency in 2008.

3 On the last frame, at the bottom of the cartoon, we can see Obama on the left, he is standing with his arms in the air, cheering, happy, smiling because he has just won the presidential elections. The crowd on the left is cheering, holding placards on which we can read « Yes, we can ». This slogan was Obama’s slogan during the campaign. We can also read here, « Obama ran so that we all can fly ». Obama « ran » for president and he succeeded, so that the American people could fly, fly and be free.

4 CONCLUSION: I think this cartoon illutrates well the evolution of the Civil Rights movement spawned by Rosa Parks in The words chosen by Zapiro: « sat, walked, ran, fly » are also a clear symbol to the Evolution of mankind. A child sits, then walks, then runs and « flies » on his own, meaning he is independant. This cartoon is a short timeline of the evolution of Black people in the United States.

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