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World War II Biographies Anne Frank By Beth Haber.

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1 World War II Biographies Anne Frank By Beth Haber

2 Introduction ► Catchy Start Discussion—What do you think it would be like to live in hiding for two years? What would you do? ► Thesis—Anne Frank is an important person in world history.

3 Early Life ► Born June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt Germany to Otto & Judith Frank ► Practiced Judaism ► Moved to Amsterdam in February 1934

4 Middle Life ► Received a diary as a birthday present ► Went into hiding in the Secret Annex on July 6, 1942 ► Wrote, studied & had a relationship with Peter Van Pels

5 End of Life ► Caught on August 4, 1944 ► Sent to Westerbork and then Auschwitz Concentration Camp ► Died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen

6 Conclusion Discussion ► Why did Anne’s family move to Amsterdam when she was a child? ► They were trying to get away from the Nazis. ► What did Anne do while she was in hiding? ► She studied, read, wrote in her diary and had a relationship with Peter Van Pels ► Why do you think Anne Frank is an important person in world history? ► She experienced great suffering, but ultimately, she stayed positive and hopeful about human nature.

7 Bibliography ► "Anne Frank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 12 Mar. 2009 ► "Anne Frank Museum Amsterdam - the official Anne Frank House website." Anne Frank Museum - the official Anne Frank House website. 12 Mar. 2009. ► Gold, Alison Leslie. "Frank, Anne." World Book Online Reference Center. 9 Mar. 2012.

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