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Presentation on theme: "21 ST CENTURY SKILLS IN TODAY’S CLASSROOM By: Ashley Darr."— Presentation transcript:


2 Solution Fluency  Use creativity to problem solve  The 4Ds:  Define the problem: ask probing questions  Design a solution: after asking the questions, strategize how they can be answered (plan)  Develop: carry out the work of the plan  Debrief: determine the effectiveness of the work done; were the questions answered?

3 Solution Fluency: Lemonade Stand  With a partner, students will complete a simulation, trying to earn the highest profit  Students decide:  How much product to buy  How to prepare the lemonade  How much to sell the lemonade for and more  Students determine their success and explain

4 Information Fluency  Effectively find digital resources pertaining to a desired topic  Use search skills and terms efficiently  Have knowledge of a variety of tools to access information  Assess reliability and usefulness of information found  Determine what information is relevant  Detect possible bias or inaccuracy

5 Information Fluency: Technology of the Past, Today, and Tomorrow  Students will choose a form of technology and research it. They will determine:  What the object was like in the past  What the object is like now and how it has changed  Based on the evolution of the object, what will it be like in the future

6 Collaboration Fluency  Working together skillfully and cooperatively, as a team  Working with various partners; both in face-to-face and online environments

7 Collaboration Fluency: Character Life Box  During the Holocaust unit and after reading “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “All But My Life,” students will work in groups to:  Research a person from either story to gain more information  Create a Character Box of clues and props pertaining to the person researched  Present their Character Box

8 Creativity Fluency  Adding meaning by incorporating design, art, and storytelling techniques.  Using the imagination to create  Artistic creation  More than just functionality

9 Creative Fluency: Digital Story Books  Students will work collaboratively to create digital story books for the 4K class. Students will:  Write a story  Edit or create pictures  Edit or create audio  Use animations to enhance story

10 Media Fluency  Critically look at media and…  Interpret message  Ascertain how it shapes thinking  Assess effectiveness of message  Create and publish unique digital products  Determine message and choose most applicable media or presentation tool to

11 Media Fluency: The Giver and reading blogs  While reading The Giver, as a class, students will keep their own blogs, posting their thoughts about the story and its issues and answering reflective journal questions.  Students will also browse various media websites to keep up with current events or research to learn about other societies, making connections with their reading

12 Digital Citizenship  Leadership, ethics, accountability, fiscal responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizenship, and personal responsibility.  Consistency in personality  Be the same person online as you are in a face-to-face situation  Understand that people online may not really be who they say they are (Meinhardt, 2010)

13  Students will create websites and a presentation (video or poster) while studying the various aspects of Internet Safety. The unit will include:  Keeping personal information private  How to be smart online…talking to people you know, not friending unknown people  Cyber bullying…how to follow rules of netiquette Digital Citizenship: Internet Safety Web Sites ("Internet safety," 2012)

14 What does this all mean? (Kraft, 2010)

15 Sources Jukes, I., McCain, T., & Crockett, L. (2010). Understanding the digital generation: Teaching and learning in the new digital landscape. Vancouver: 21st Century Fluency Project, Inc Kraft, M. (2010). How will you teach me in the 21st century? [Web]. Retrieved from Meinhardt, K. (Producer). (2010). 242068_s digital handshake. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from (2012). Internet safety. (2012). [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from 4&sessionid=256f93c7d9d36b372681ae47724b98a8

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