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Fullbeam DAQ board on PET system Eleftheria Kostara (INFN of Pisa, University of Siena ) Supervisors: F. Palla, M.G. Bisogni (University of Pisa) Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Fullbeam DAQ board on PET system Eleftheria Kostara (INFN of Pisa, University of Siena ) Supervisors: F. Palla, M.G. Bisogni (University of Pisa) Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fullbeam DAQ board on PET system Eleftheria Kostara (INFN of Pisa, University of Siena ) Supervisors: F. Palla, M.G. Bisogni (University of Pisa) Technical supervisor: G. Sportelli (University of Pisa) Vth INFIERI Workshop 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

2 What is about? INSIDE project ▫INnovative Solutions for In-beam DosimEtry in hadron therapy ▫PET prototype Coincidence Sorter USB implementation Current work ▫Testing LVDS communication ▫Testing SPI communication Vth INFIERI Workshop 2 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

3 PET Prototype (1/4) 2 planar panels ▫10cm x 20cm 2 x 4 pixelated LFS scintillator matrices ▫5cm x 5cm ▫3mm x 3mm x 20mm crystals Vth INFIERI Workshop 3 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

4 PET Prototype (2/4) 4 matrices of 8 x 8 MPPC from Hamamatsu 4 x 64-channel ASICs ▫On-chip multiplexing ▫TDC ▫0.18um CMOS technology Vth INFIERI Workshop 4 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

5 PET Prototype (3/4) FE Boards ▫4 ASICs ▫FPGA TX Board ▫Small low-cost FPGA ▫Packet building Vth INFIERI Workshop 5 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

6 PET Prototype (4/4) RX Board ▫Fiber-optic receiver ▫Data concentrator Motherboard ▫Data acquisition board ▫Up to 9 RX- boards Vth INFIERI Workshop 6 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

7 Data stream Encoded information about the detected photons Bit1514131211109876543210 W0F15F14F13F12F11F10F9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0 W1Detector IDCrystal ID W2E3E2E1E0Energy W3Timestamp MSB W4Timestamp LSB W5Energy IDTimestamp Fraction Vth INFIERI Workshop 7 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

8 Coincidence Sorter Architecture (1/3) Vth INFIERI Workshop 8 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

9 Coincidence Sorter Architecture (2/3) LVE ▫Compares timestamps ▫Outputs the earliest timestamp ▫Outputs 5 additional bits 1 bit4 bits40 bits Valid DataFE numberTimestamp Vth INFIERI Workshop 9 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

10 Coincidence Sorter Architecture (3/3) next_fe_num stage ▫Outputs the 4 bits ▫Restarts the process ▫Multiplexer  Recovers the data packet from the input FIFO 1 bit4 bits40 bits Valid DataFE numberTimestamp Vth INFIERI Workshop 10 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

11 Coincidence Sorter Testbench Vth INFIERI Workshop 11 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva Simulation on ModelSim ▫Functionality verification  comparison of the simulation results with these from the python script ▫Goal of 20MHz minimum throughput rate  Achievement 28MHz Maximum frequency of 252MHz for the system clock  setting up timing constraints

12 DAQ Motherboard 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva Vth INFIERI Workshop 12 9 RX Boards Cypress EZ- USB FX2LP (CY7C68013A) Cyclone V

13 Cypress EZ-USB FX2LP device (CY7C68013A) USB 2.0 transceiver Serial interface engine (SIE) Enhanced 8051 microcontroller Programmable peripheral interface Vth INFIERI Workshop 13 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

14 Slave FIFO mode Internal or external clock Selection one of the four FIFOs 8-bit or 16-bit Data 4 Status Flags Read Data request Write Data request Vth INFIERI Workshop 14 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

15 Setting up the firmware (1/2) Internal 30MHz synchronous clock EP2: ▫Output ▫512 bytes ▫Double buffer EP6: ▫Input ▫512 bytes ▫Double buffer Vth INFIERI Workshop 15 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

16 Setting up the firmware (1/2) USB reset  changing modes FPGA configuration with the USB blaster EP2  not empty ▫Writes data from host PC to FPGA ▫Reads the data back Vth INFIERI Workshop 16 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

17 USB communication is confirmed!!! Using SignalTap ▫Write data from host PC to FPGA  ▫Read data from FPGA to host PC  Vth INFIERI Workshop 17 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

18 Current tests Testing LVDS communication (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) Testing SPI communication (Serial Peripheral Interface) Vth INFIERI Workshop 18 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva

19 Thank you!!! Vth INFIERI Workshop 19 27-29/4/15 CERN, Geneva This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grand agreement n° 317446

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