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Case Study #2 – Aral Sea Note: You must be logged- in as a student today. Admin will not work.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study #2 – Aral Sea Note: You must be logged- in as a student today. Admin will not work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study #2 – Aral Sea Note: You must be logged- in as a student today. Admin will not work.

2 Clip – The Aral Sea Questions 1. Why is the Aral Sea drying up? 2. How is the shrinking of the Aral Sea affecting the people who live nearby?

3 Background After World War II the Soviet Union did not have enough food or industries for its population. How would you use farms to fix both?

4 What they did… The Soviet Union created collective farms to increase food production and clothing production. –Food production  grow wheat –Clothing production  grow cotton

5 Cause - Irrigation Program The Aral Sea Starting in the 1950’s, the government started diverting water from the Amu Dayra and Syr Dayra Rivers to irrigate wheat and cotton fields.

6 Effects - #1 Desertification Irrigating the rivers caused them to dry up, cutting off the sources to the Aral Sea. This left behind massive salt residue. Wind blows the sand creating hazardous conditions for the people.

7 Directions: In your notebook, complete the Frayer Model below. DESERTIFICATION 2. Definition  spread of the desert. 3. How does desertification affect the people living near the Aral Sea? 4. Sketch

8 Effect #2 – Health EffectsHealth Effects Click the link above to read the professional journal article. Answer the questions below. If the link above doesn’t work, click HERE and click the link at the bottom titled “Aral Sea Health Effects Article.”HERE 1.Describe the health effects of the Aral Sea disaster. 2.How is the water supply impacted by the situation? 3.How would you fix both effects, the health problems and the water situation?

9 Google Earth Tour 1.Click HERE. Click on the Google Earth tour at the bottom of the page.HERE 2.Click SAVE. You MUST SAVE it to the desktop or your student drive. SOMEWHERE THAT YOU CAN OPEN IT LATER.  Don’t forget, may want to write it down. 3. Click on the NOVELL window at the bottom near the Start button. 4. Click on Google Earth. It takes a minute to open. 5. Once in Google Earth click File in the top left. Then click Open. Locate the spot where you saved the Google Earth Tour earlier in step 2. 6. Click on the THUMBTACKS to fly around the tour. 7. If the thumbtack is pointing to a small blue square click on it to view a picture. - You must make sure the layers are on. - To access the layers go the layers section on the bottom left. Make sure the box next to Geographic Web has a check mark in it. READ ONLY

10 After viewing the images along the tour, write a short paragraph answering the prompt below. - The rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union was worth it. Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

11 Conclusion IssueCauses (draw 3 pictures) Effects (draw 3 pictures) Solutions Aral Sea

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