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Water Supplies Strategies and Techniques to Meet Growing Demands.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Supplies Strategies and Techniques to Meet Growing Demands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Supplies Strategies and Techniques to Meet Growing Demands

2 Could water be the limiting factor? Beijing – water table dropping at a rate of 1-2 m per year Tucson and Phoenix have had to buy 250,000 acres of irrigated cropland as a water farm Projected losses of between 10 and 30% of cropland in the western US if global warming increases temperatures by 2°C. Jordan River – supplies Israel, Jordan and Syria, 95% of water to Israel, primarily used for irrigation How do humans alter the water cycle? –Transport Discharge/altered recharge Movement between watersheds Evaporation –Contamination

3 UNDP Conclusion 20 liters of water per day is a basic human right

4 Properties of Water Importance of changes in density as water changes state Solvent properties: salt and fresh water Purification of water during the evapotranspirative process


6 Groundwater – shallow or unconfined aquifer

7 Groundwater – artesian or confined aquifer

8 Watersheds

9 Managing Water

10 Demand for Water Agricultural Industrial Commercial/Residential Ecological Waste Disposal Cultural and Religious Purposes

11 Regional Patterns of Water Use

12 Domestic Water Use

13 Methods of increasing supplies Conservation Surface Waters Ground Waters Cloud Seeding Reuse and Purification Desalinization Prevention of Contamination

14 Issues with Dams I lack of sites impacts to downstream users impacts to fisheries concentration of contaminants, especially near urban centers Aswan High Dam -- Egypt

15 Issues with Dams II wildlife habitats increased rates of evaporation and salinization issue of siltation – focus on watershed effects waterlogging loss of agricultural lands (review the complex soil questions – will this create new lands?) current conflicts with wetlands protection legislation effects on the adoption of conservation strategies questions of geologic stability potential for power generation 350 000 square kilometers of Quebec $ 17.5 B > 15K MW of electricity

16 Transport of water Mono Lake – legal disputes, water rights Cost of transport; environmental effects of pipelines and other systems

17 Evaluating the potential of groundwater resources fossil vs. recharged aquifers (confined v. unconfined) maximum sustainable yield – geology of the aquifer contamination – discharge and salt water intrusion subsidence


19 High Tech/Capital Intensive Strategies Desalination plant - Kuwait Watercress harvest in a wastewater canal – Viet Nam

20 Cloud Seeding

21 Water conservation

22 Gray Water Water from –Shower –Bath –Laundry

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