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Financial Management Class Week 2. Financial Statements, Taxes and Cash Flow.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Management Class Week 2. Financial Statements, Taxes and Cash Flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Management Class Week 2

2 Financial Statements, Taxes and Cash Flow

3 The Balance Sheet

4 The Balance Sheet Analysis

5 Three Particularly importat things (When Examining A Balance Sheet) 1. Liquidity ( Page 23) 2. Debt Versus Equity ( Page 24) 3. Market Value Versus Book Value ( Page 24-25)

6 Klingon Corporation Balance Sheet Market Value Vs Book Value

7 The Income Statement

8 Retained Earnings Added To B/S

9 Earning Per Share Dividen Per Share

10 Tugas Kelompok 1 dan 2 (P 26-27)

11 Tugas Kelompok 3 dan 4 (P 27)

12 Tugas Kelompok 5 dan 6 (P 27)

13 The Cash Flow Statement

14 Examples Operating Cash Flow

15 Examples Net Capital Spending

16 Examples Change In NWC


18 Examples Cash Flow To Creditor

19 Examples Cash Flow To ShareHolders

20 End Of class...Thank You

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