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NEXT 15 20 25 510 Causes of the War Part 1 Causes of the War Part 2 Continental Congress Battles Important People 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20.

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9 15 20 25 510 Causes of the War Part 1 Causes of the War Part 2 Continental Congress Battles Important People 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six

10 Topic 1 Question for 5 Points This event occurred as a result of the Tea Act and caused the Intolerable Acts Show Answer

11 Topic 1 Answer for 5 Points Boston Tea Party Back to Board

12 Topic 1 Question for 10 Points Tensions in Boston between colonists and British soldiers led to what deadly event in 1770 that killed 5? Show Answer

13 Topic 1 Answer for 10 Points The Boston Massacre Back to Board

14 Topic 1 Question for 15 Points How did the French and Indian War become one of the first causes of the American Revolution? Show Answer

15 Topic 1 Answer for 15 Points It caused Britain to need money to pay its war debts Back to Board

16 Topic 1 Question for 20 Points What official decision by King George forbid colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains? Show Answer

17 Topic 1 Answer for 20 Points Proclamation of 1763 Back to Board

18 Topic 1 Question for 25 Points Why did the colonists think British taxes were unfair? Show Answer

19 Topic 1 Answer for 25 Points They did not have a vote in Parliament Back to Board

20 Topic 2 Question for 5 Points What act placed a tax of paper products? Show Answer

21 Topic 2 Answer for 5 Points Stamp Act Back to Board

22 Topic 2 Question for 10 Points What act placed a tax on sugar, rum, and molasses from non- British traders? Show Answer

23 Topic 2 Answer for 10 Points Sugar Act Back to Board

24 Topic 2 Question for 15 Points Which act said that colonists could only buy tea from the East India Company? Show Answer

25 Topic 2 Answer for 15 Points Tea Act Back to Board

26 Topic 2 Question for 20 Points Which act required colonists to feed and house British soldiers? Show Answer

27 Topic 2 Answer for 20 Points Quartering Act Back to Board

28 Topic 2 Question for 25 Points Which Act was a result of the Boston Tea Party and did things like shutting the port of Boston? Show Answer

29 Topic 2 Answer for 25 Points Intolerable Acts Back to Board

30 Topic 3 Question for 5 Points Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Show Answer

31 Topic 3 Answer for 5 Points Thomas Jefferson Back to Board

32 Topic 3 Question for 10 Points Name the 3 unalienable rights listed in the Declaration Show Answer

33 Topic 3 Answer for 10 Points Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Back to Board

34 Topic 3 Question for 15 Points What did the Declaration say that people had the right to do if a government abused people’s rights? Show Answer

35 Topic 3 Answer for 15 Points Change or get rid of the government Back to Board

36 Topic 3 Question for 20 Points What did the Declaration say the King of England had done? Show Answer

37 Topic 3 Answer for 20 Points Abused people’s rights again and again Back to Board

38 Topic 3 Question for 25 Points Why was signing the Declaration dangerous? Show Answer

39 Topic 3 Answer for 25 Points England would view the signers as traitors and may hang them Back to Board

40 Topic 4 Question for 5 Points Which battles were the first of the war and started with the “shot heard ‘round the world”? Show Answer

41 Topic 4 Answer for 5 Points Battles of Lexington and Concord Back to Board

42 Topic 4 Question for 10 Points Which battle took place on Breed’s Hill near Boston in which the Americans lost due to lack of ammunition? Show Answer

43 Topic 4 Answer for 10 Points Battle of Bunker Hill Back to Board

44 Topic 4 Question for 15 Points Which battle was a surprise attack on the Hessians that was preceded by a nighttime crossing of the semi-frozen Delaware River? Show Answer

45 Topic 4 Answer for 15 Points Battle of Trenton Back to Board

46 Topic 4 Question for 20 Points Which battle led to the end of the war and the signing of the Treaty of Paris? Show Answer

47 Topic 4 Answer for 20 Points Battle of Yorktown Back to Board

48 Topic 4 Question for 25 Points Which battle became known as the “turning point” in the war because it convinced the French to join the Americans? Show Answer

49 Topic 4 Answer for 25 Points Battle of Saratoga Back to Board

50 Topic 5 Question for 5 Points Who was chosen as the Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army? Show Answer

51 Topic 5 Answer for 5 Points George Washington Back to Board

52 Topic 5 Question for 10 Points What woman was famous for writing Patriot poems and plays and supporting the Daughters of Liberty? Show Answer

53 Topic 5 Answer for 10 Points Mercy Otis Warren Back to Board

54 Topic 5 Question for 15 Points Who organized the Sons of Liberty? Show Answer

55 Topic 5 Answer for 15 Points Samuel Adams Back to Board

56 Topic 5 Question for 20 Points What Patriot express rider and silversmith rode from Boston to the surrounding countryside to tell them the British were coming? Show Answer

57 Topic 5 Answer for 20 Points Paul Revere Back to Board

58 Topic 5 Question for 25 Points What woman is famous for supporting the American cause and her husband who later became the 2 nd president? Show Answer

59 Topic 5 Answer for 25 Points Abigail Adams Back to Board

60 Show Question

61 “Big Points” Question Delete this Text And Place Your Question Here Show Answer 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321

62 Big Points Answer for Big Points Delete this Text And Place Your Answer Here Back to Board

63 Big Board Facts © 2010 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart copyright– All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: By using this game you are agreeing to our terms of use.terms of use End

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