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Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation Petr Kadlec, Marek Gayer, Pavel Slavík C omputer G raphics G roup Department of Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation Petr Kadlec, Marek Gayer, Pavel Slavík C omputer G raphics G roup Department of Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation Petr Kadlec, Marek Gayer, Pavel Slavík C omputer G raphics G roup Department of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic WSCG’2004, February 2–6, 2004, Plzeň, Czech Republic

2 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation2 Visualization of Gridded Data Interpolation Conversion of data to visual parameters Rendering MyPCC coal combustion application [1] [1] Gayer M., Slavík P., Hrdlička F. Interactive Educational System for Coal Combustion Modeling in Power Plant Boilers. In: Eurocon 2003 – Computer as a Tool – Proceedings. Ljubljana: IEEE Slovenia Section, 2003

3 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation3 Interpolation – Linear +Traditional, supported +Simplicity +Speed –Quality! Nonlinear data Triangular pattern Big gradient problems

4 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation4 Interpolation – Bicubic Splines +Quality! –More work –Speed? Use modern hardware!

5 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation5 Implementation Vertex&fragment programs (a.k.a. shaders) –OpenGL ARB extensions –Works on common current hardware (e.g. GF2MX 400, GFFX, ATI Radeon 8500 and above) Interpolation core running on GPU Per-pixel / per-vertex interpolation

6 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation6 Compare the Quality

7 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation7 Value to Color Conversion Precalculated texture Texture = Color LUT

8 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation8 Isolines For Free Slight modification of the texture +Simple, fast (free!) –Blurry

9 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation9 Measurements SystemLinearSpline Per-Vertex Spline Per-Pixel GF2MX5727<1 * GF4TI955620 GF-FX14811068 (Please, see the paper for more details.)

10 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation10 Conclusion We have designed an implemented hardware accelerated grid visualization Spline interpolation method Runs real-time on current graphics hardware, comparable speed with linear interpolation approach

11 Visualization Using Hardware Accelerated Spline Interpolation11 Thank you for your attention. Petr Kadlec

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