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Chapter 1. The Science of Chemistry Science: The study in which humans attempt to or- ganize and explain, in a systematic and log- ical manner, knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1. The Science of Chemistry Science: The study in which humans attempt to or- ganize and explain, in a systematic and log- ical manner, knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1. The Science of Chemistry Science: The study in which humans attempt to or- ganize and explain, in a systematic and log- ical manner, knowledge about themselves and their surroundings. Textbook The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. Dictionary

2 Chapter 1. The Science of Chemistry Chemistry is the scientific discipline con- cerned with the characteristics, compo- sition, and transformations of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and oc- cupies space.


4 Scientific Method How Scientists Study/Discover Things 1.Identify problem. Break it down, plan research & experiments 2.Collect data. 3.Analyze, organize, summarize data. 4.Suggest probable explanations. Form hypotheses 5.Test hypotheses by further research.

5 Some Definitions An experiment is a well-defined, controlled procedure for obtaining information about a system under study. Data is information. Qualitative data is non-numerical or descrip- tive information, e.g. color, shape, etc. Quantitative data is numerical information obtained from measurements.

6 Some Definitions Scientific research leads to: Facts, valid observations (data) about the system being studied. Scientific Laws, generalizations that sum- marize facts. They're often mathematical, and not explanatory. They’re also called Natural Laws.

7 Some Definitions Scientific research leads to: Hypotheses, explanations of phenomena that can be tested by experiment. Hy- potheses are initial educated guesses. They may precede the first experiments. Theories, hypotheses that have been thor- ougly tested and validated over time. Theories generally apply to “big picture” phenomena.



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