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1 Transition Scrutiny 13 th January 2011 Key Issues and Emerging Tensions & Challenges

2 Emerging Tensions & Challenges CSF and ACS Transition Team Development Opportunities John Short – Aiming High Transition Development Officer

3 Integrated Transition Issues - 1 Improving forward planning – support to the Disabled Children’s Team’s – pre-transition planning (checklist tools) Information for young people, staff and carers Consistent planning - disabled children/young people – allocated to CLA, Area and Children with Disability Teams Children and young people who have ‘borderline’ needs - delayed maturity or cognitive disability Improving knowledge of A.C.S. and Health within C.S.F. Improving understanding of the ‘Fair Access To Care Criteria’ Hertfordshire County Council

4 Integrated Transition Issues - 2 Disabled children and young people with multiple service needs and entitlements, leaving care, offending, UASC, health Mental health and mental well-being – CAMHS - CMHT Accommodation and placement planning Placements post 18 (foster care, adult placements and residential placements) Maximising income, improving financial and benefit planning - DLA, Employment and Support Allowance, Housing Benefit Out of area placements – capacity and ordinary residence - who’s responsibility? Hertfordshire County Council

5 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Services for Young People Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Team 16-25 Patricia Halliday, LDD Strategy Manager

6 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Services for Young People 16-25 Learning for Living and Work Pathways To manage demand and supply to achieve young people’s full potential across a wide range of learning difficulties and/or disabilities: Offer robust and accessible Information, Advice and Guidance – ensure continuity of support 14-25 Offer a single multi-agency assessment – every young person have access to a Person Centred Transition Plan A need for a flexible approach & provision 16-25 Broader range of educational provision/learning/curriculum 16-25

7 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Services for Young People 16-25 Learning for Living and Work Pathways To manage demand and supply to achieve young people’s full potential across a wide range of learning difficulties and/or disabilities: Improve links to employment & independent living: prepare young people for adult life not adult care – meaningful progression Keep it local! Ensure resources & budgets achieve the right outcomes Give young people and parent/carers a voice to inform service development

8 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Health and Social Care Transitions Team for Young People with Learning Disabilities and/or Disabilities Sue Gale, Head of Learning Disabilities Service Andrew Lawrence, Area Manager

9 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Health and Social Care Transitions Team What we’ve achieved so far………… 493 Cases (296 Active) 168 people now know their Personal Budget for Care and Support 24 Carers Assessments (5 with contingency plans?) 26 young people Safeguarded from harm, abuse or exploitation 20 Compliments from satisfied families

10 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Health and Social Care Transitions Team Challenges to respond to………… Managing Expectations of Young People and Families Increased Demography / Complexity of Needs Sustaining team performance and skill levels Access to Resources (CHC / PCT) for those with complex needs Accessible, value for money local services for people with complex needs

11 Emerging Tensions & Challenges Health and Social Care Transitions Team Solutions to achieve success………… Better partnerships, focussed on community solutions, locally Prevention by delivering information advice and self directed support. Enablement focussed services to maximise potential for independence Integrated Referral Pathway / Team & Individual Learning and Development Transition Strategic Group / LDPB Sub Group / Recruitment (Citizen reps) Partnership commissioning ACS/CSF

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