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Blogging The Future of Sharing News. Blogging in plain English What is blogging? Why should we do it as journalists? Check this out…..

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging The Future of Sharing News. Blogging in plain English What is blogging? Why should we do it as journalists? Check this out….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging The Future of Sharing News

2 Blogging in plain English What is blogging? Why should we do it as journalists? Check this out…..

3 Blogging… The San Francisco Chronicle says it all: “Thanks to new media, we have all become messengers— but what are we saying?” Technology is allowing anyone with a computer, the ability to type, and an Internet connection to become a published author—of sorts. Web logs, or “blogs,” are the latest way that students, businesses, and many others are publishing their musings. What is it doing for journalists?

4 Why Blog? “For centuries, writers have experimented with forms that evoke the imperfection of thought, the inconstancy of human affairs, and the chastening passage of time. But as blogging evolves as a literary form, it is generating a new and quintessentially postmodern idiom that’s enabling writers to express themselves in ways that have never been seen or understood before. Its truths are provisional, and its ethos collective and messy. Yet the interaction it enables between writer and reader is unprecedented, visceral, and sometimes brutal. And make no mistake: it heralds a golden era for journalism.” Andrew Sullivan

5 What is your blog about? Do you want to reach individuals with critical information, express your opinion, teach your readers a useful skill, or simply use your blog as an outlet to vent your personal frustrations? Is it to share knowledge or is it just for fun? You need to make some big decisions before getting started. Keep this in mind when creating your blog…

6 Find your “angle.” Be specific to draw readers in. Make your blog about something unique so readers stay with you. 1. Create a Blog Personality - Don't formulate your posts. Let your voice shine through. Give your blog a personality. 2. Be Consistent in Your Posts - Be consistent. When starting out, try to post at least three times a week, preferably every other day. 3. Keep It Simple -Don't get caught up in the length of your posts. They don't have to be long. They can be random thoughts or tidbits of news regarding your industry. The key is to make them interesting. 4. Allow Comments - Allow comments. You can moderate comments, but comments create the viral effect by allowing your readers to interact with you. You will also want to research and comment on relevant industry related blogs. 5. Focus on Your Title - Titles draw traffic. Be creative. Not only do they capture the attention of potential readers, but those search engines love blog titles. A rule of thumb is to keep your title under ten words. From:

7 Check out these Blogs: The University of Scranton Student Blogs Vox Teen Blogs The Record Eagle Blogs Hansen’s Journalism Blog A & O News High School Blogs Art Students Show Work on Blogs Musician Blogs

8 Let’s get started… Take some time to discuss your ideas for your own blog with a partner. What do you want to say to the world? What tabs might you include in your blog? Will your blog be educational or personal? Choose something you are interested in so you stay with it. Share your ideas with the class.

9 Can others relate? How about….. a movie blog. a music blog. a travel blog. a blog about a special family issue. a blog about being a senior, junior, sophomore, or junior. a craft blog. a pet blog. a political rant blog. a blog to share ideas about a health/personal issue. a blog about T.C. a blog about a team sport.

10 We will start our blogs using Wordpress Go to to get started. If you need help, try this site:

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