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Sacred and Secular music.  Sacred  Music used in religious services (Catholic, Protestant)  Secular  Music not used in religious services.

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Presentation on theme: "Sacred and Secular music.  Sacred  Music used in religious services (Catholic, Protestant)  Secular  Music not used in religious services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sacred and Secular music

2  Sacred  Music used in religious services (Catholic, Protestant)  Secular  Music not used in religious services

3  Holy Roman Catholic Church  Creation of written music  Used in the Mass (Catholic service)  Gregorian Chant  Monophonic

4  Mass  Proper  Ordinary

5  Mass Proper  Parts of the Mass whose words vary depending on the day in the church calendar  Introit: entrance music-Kyrie  Gradual: words from psalms  Alleluia: a somber chant during Lent  Offertory: a chant sung before communion  Communion

6  Mass Ordinary  Parts of the Mass with invariable words  Kyrie   Gloria  Credo: after the sermon   Sanctus: words are from Isaiah 6:3  Agnus Dei:

7 Performance Practice  Responsorial: soloist alternates with the choir or congregation  Antiphonal: two halves of the choir alternate singing  Direct: no alternation

8 Text Arrangement  Syllabic: chants in which almost every syllable has one note  Neumatic: chants in which each syllable has from one to six notes  Melismatic: chants that include melismas (long melodic passages on a single syllable)

9 Participants of the Mass  Priests  Cantor  Choir

10  She had visions and became famous for her prophecies. She preached throughout Germany. She wrote prose works on science and healing  Even though women (nuns) were not allowed to participate in the Mass, Hildegard wrote music for Mass and liturgical dramas.  TI4Q&feature=related TI4Q&feature=related

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