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Engineering Geology ECGD 2302. University of Palestine2 Course Syllabus Instructor: Osama Dawoud BSc. Civil Engineering, IUG, Gaza MSc. Water Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Geology ECGD 2302. University of Palestine2 Course Syllabus Instructor: Osama Dawoud BSc. Civil Engineering, IUG, Gaza MSc. Water Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Geology ECGD 2302

2 University of Palestine2 Course Syllabus Instructor: Osama Dawoud BSc. Civil Engineering, IUG, Gaza MSc. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Jordan University for Science and Technology, Jordan Email: Course Information: Prerequisite: None Semester: Second Semester 2010 – 2009 Class: BK205 Class time: Sat. 02:00 – 05:00

3 University of Palestine3 Course Description: Earth: shape, structure, Age, major phenomena, geological history Surface processes: weathering, erosion, deposition Minerals: properties, compositions, forms Rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic Geological structures: Folds, Faults, Joints Investigations: field, laboratory Groundwater: Hydrologic cycle, water bearing formations, groundwater flow Course Syllabus

4 University of Palestine4 Course Materials Text book Supplementary books PowerPoint slides Group Work Course Textbook: Engineering Geology, F. G. Bell, 2 nd Edition Other Book: A Geology for Engineers, F. Blyth and M.Freitas, 7 th Seventh Edition Principals of Physical Geology, D Holms Foundations of Engineering Geology, T. Waltham, 2 nd Edition Course Syllabus

5 University of Palestine5 Course Syllabus Course work: Assignments and homework20% (Participation 5%) (Homeorks5%) (Term Paper5%) (Quizes5%) Midterm Exam 20% Final exam60%

6 Course Syllabus TopicDate Understanding Earth: shape, structure, Age, major phenomena, geological history 1 st week Surface processes: weathering, erosion, deposition 2 nd week Surface processes: weathering, erosion, deposition 3 rd week Minerals: properties, compositions, forms 4 th week Minerals: properties, compositions, forms 5 th week Rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic 6 th week Rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic 7 th week Midterm Exam8 th week Geological structures: Folds, Faults, Joints 9 th week Geological structures: Folds, Faults, Joints 10 th week Investigations: field, laboratory 11 th week Groundwater: Hydrologic cycle, water bearing formations, groundwater flow 12 th week Groundwater: Hydrologic cycle, water bearing formations, groundwater flow 13 th week Term Paper Discussion 14 th week 6

7 University of Palestine7 Engineering Geology Geology is the science concerned with the Earth and the rocks of which it is composed, the processes by which they were formed during geological time, and the modelling of the Earth's surface in the past and at the present day.

8 University of Palestine8 Engineering Geology Geologists Study problems Qualitative analysis emphasized (traditionally) See earth as complex (heterogeneous & anisotropic) Engineers Solve problems Quantitative analysis emphasized Models often simplified/simplistic

9 University of Palestine9 Engineering Geology Engineering Geology can be defined as the application of Geology to engineering practice. In other words, it is concerned with those geological factors that influence the location, design, construction and maintenance of engineering works.

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