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NEW CHAPTER Views of Earth Today CHAPTER the BIG idea Modern technology has changed the way we view and map Earth. Technology is used to explore the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW CHAPTER Views of Earth Today CHAPTER the BIG idea Modern technology has changed the way we view and map Earth. Technology is used to explore the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW CHAPTER Views of Earth Today CHAPTER the BIG idea Modern technology has changed the way we view and map Earth. Technology is used to explore the Earth system. Technology is used to explore the Earth system. 1.1 Maps and globes are models of Earth. 1.2 Topographic maps show the shape of the land. 1.3 Technology is used to map Earth. 1.4 CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES

2 System: an organized group of parts that work together to form a whole. The Earth system has four major parts: 1.A tmosphere 2.H ydrosphere 3.B iosphere 4.G eosphere

3 The atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere work together to form one large system called Earth. geospherebiosphereatmosphere hydrosphere

4 The mixture of gases and particles that surrounds and protects the surface of Earth. The mixture of gases: –N–N–N–Nitrogen (78%) –O–O–O–Oxygen (21%) –C–C–C–Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases (1%)

5 Made up of all the water on Earth: –O–O–O–Oceans, lakes, and glaciers –R–R–R–Rivers, streams, and underground Water covers 75% of the Earth’s surface –3–3–3–3% is fresh water –7–7–7–70% in glaciers and polar ice

6 All life on Earth: –i–i–i–in the air –o–o–o–on the land –i–i–i–in the waters

7 All the features on Earth’s surface: –C–C–C–Continents –I–I–I–Islands –S–S–S–Sea floor –E–E–E–Everything below the surface

8 crust: thin, rocky shell that includes continents and sea floor mantle: thick layer of hot rock outer core: molten metal, mostly iron inner core: solid metal, mostly iron

9 Foldable Instructions 1. Take bottom right corner of the paper & match it up with the left edge of paper1. Take bottom right corner of the paper & match it up with the left edge of paper 2.Cut off excess …unfold2.Cut off excess …unfold 3. Take bottom left corner & match it up with the right edge…unfold3. Take bottom left corner & match it up with the right edge…unfold 4. Take ALL corners & match them up with the middle point ( where the two folds intersect)4. Take ALL corners & match them up with the middle point ( where the two folds intersect) 5. Draw and color the Earth on the front of your foldable.5. Draw and color the Earth on the front of your foldable. 6. label inside of each flap with a system part and include : 3 facts, 1 picture in the flap space6. label inside of each flap with a system part and include : 3 facts, 1 picture in the flap space 7. Write your name on the back in the upper right hand corner7. Write your name on the back in the upper right hand corner

10 Draw and color the Earth on the front of your foldable.Draw and color the Earth on the front of your foldable. On the back of your foldable answer the following questions in complete sentences:On the back of your foldable answer the following questions in complete sentences: –Describe an example of how ALL four major systems interact on Earth. –Answer question 6 in the 1.1 Review on page 14 of your book.

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