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Kalle (Kielipankki) Project Architecture Draft 0.1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Kalle (Kielipankki) Project Architecture Draft 0.1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kalle (Kielipankki) Project Architecture Draft 0.1 1

2 Kielipankki Architecture 2

3 SUI Architecture 3

4 Kielipankki/SUI Integration The Kielipankki architecture will be refined to take advantage to elements of the SUI architecture and Liferay. E.g. – Askare interface module; – Shibboleth module (To be decided); – UADM (Some areas of overlap but SUI will not provide all functionality required by Kielipankki) 4

5 Mandatory Attributes: cn, commonName, (displayName + sn) sn, surName, family name displayName, used givenName, the name the individual has registered as the one (s)he uses eduPersonPrincipalName, should be represented in the form user@scope, where scope defines a local security domain schacHomeOrganization, specifies a person´s home organization using the domain name of the organization. schacHomeOrganizationType, “countrycode:string”, for example, fi:university 5

6 6

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