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Read “Pullman” on p. 238. Answer the following questions.  1.How did George Pullman become successful?  2.What were advantages to living in the town.

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Presentation on theme: "Read “Pullman” on p. 238. Answer the following questions.  1.How did George Pullman become successful?  2.What were advantages to living in the town."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read “Pullman” on p. 238. Answer the following questions.  1.How did George Pullman become successful?  2.What were advantages to living in the town of Pullman?  3.What were the disadvantages to living in the town of Pullman?

2 The Rise of Industry

3  How did industrialization and new technology affect the economy and society?

4  revolution/videos#the-industrial-revolition revolution/videos#the-industrial-revolition

5  U.S. industry grew rapidly after the Civil War.  After the war, industry rapidly expanded.  Millions of Americans left their farms to work in city factories.  By 1900 U.S. industry led the world.  U.S. industry grew rapidly after the Civil War.  After the war, industry rapidly expanded.  Millions of Americans left their farms to work in city factories.  By 1900 U.S. industry led the world.


7  U.S. had an abundance of raw materials such as coal, iron, oil, water, copper and timber to fuel industry.  Oil produced petroleum and kerosene used for fuel.  U.S. had an abundance of raw materials such as coal, iron, oil, water, copper and timber to fuel industry.  Oil produced petroleum and kerosene used for fuel.

8  Between 1860 and 1910 the U.S. population tripled.  Also created greater demand for goods and services.  Immigration also provided many new workers.  Between 1860 and 1910 the U.S. population tripled.  Also created greater demand for goods and services.  Immigration also provided many new workers.

9  People were free to make a profit with little interference.  “laissez-faire”  Means let people do or hands off  Belief that government should not interfere in the affairs of business  Entrepreneurs  Businessmen who are willing to sacrifice to make a profit  People were free to make a profit with little interference.  “laissez-faire”  Means let people do or hands off  Belief that government should not interfere in the affairs of business  Entrepreneurs  Businessmen who are willing to sacrifice to make a profit

10  Government supported the rise of industry and business through low taxes, free wages and business-friendly laws.  Tariff-tax on imports  Government supported the rise of industry and business through low taxes, free wages and business-friendly laws.  Tariff-tax on imports

11  Americans could build more and build faster with new industrial inventions and transportation.

12  Invented the telephone.  Made vocal communication instantaneous at great distances.  Invented the telephone.  Made vocal communication instantaneous at great distances.


14 Early Bell Telephone, 1870s iPhone, 2000s






20  edison/videos#edisons-failed-inventions edison/videos#edisons-failed-inventions

21  Made transportation more efficient and able to transport more goods.  Increased the productivity of businesses.  Refrigerated railroad car, power loom, power sewing machines, mass production.  Made transportation more efficient and able to transport more goods.  Increased the productivity of businesses.  Refrigerated railroad car, power loom, power sewing machines, mass production.


23  Proposed railroad that would link the east and west coasts.  Completed by two companies  Union Pacific  Central Pacific  Began at opposite ends of the United States  Chinese laborers used  Proposed railroad that would link the east and west coasts.  Completed by two companies  Union Pacific  Central Pacific  Began at opposite ends of the United States  Chinese laborers used



26 Central Pacific Started from California Central Pacific Started from California


28  Cheap way to make large quantities of steel

29  Because of the railroad time schedule, the United States was divided into four major time zones to prevent rail disasters.  Every train would be on the same time.  Because of the railroad time schedule, the United States was divided into four major time zones to prevent rail disasters.  Every train would be on the same time.


31  To encourage railroad construction, the government began granting land to railroad companies.  Companies would then sell land to settlers or other businesses to make money.  To encourage railroad construction, the government began granting land to railroad companies.  Companies would then sell land to settlers or other businesses to make money.

32  Construction company that built railroads. Company overcharged railroad companies for work.  Railroad company almost went bankrupt and Credit Mobilier made tons of money.  Scandal led to an investigation that implicated high-ranking members of government.  Created the impression that all railroad businessmen were robber barons.  Construction company that built railroads. Company overcharged railroad companies for work.  Railroad company almost went bankrupt and Credit Mobilier made tons of money.  Scandal led to an investigation that implicated high-ranking members of government.  Created the impression that all railroad businessmen were robber barons.

33  Farmers and ranchers complained about the high railroad rates and demanded government regulation

34  Workbook p. 88-92

35  Analyzing Political Cartoons p. 240  WB p. 90

36 p. 220-Analyzing political cartoons #1-2

37 Farmers' movement

38  What led to the rise of the Populist movement, and what effect did it have?

39  Movement in the late 1800s to increase the political power of American farmers.  Lower prices for crops and higher prices for equipment hurt the farmers.

40  Paper money issued by the government starting in the 1860s.  Supply of money increased and so did prices.


42  Decline in the value of money.

43  Rise in the value of money.  Government stopped printing greenbacks and silver coins.  Amount of money decreased, which led to a rise in prices.  Hurt small businesses, farmers.

44  Farmers wanted the government to resume coining silver.  Increase money supply.

45 REMEMBER: Silver helps farmers

46  First organization of farmers across the U.S. 1.5 million members in 1874.  Failed.


48  New organization of farmers formed in 1877.  Traveled and spoke to farmers across the South and Great Plains.

49  Formed in 1890 and began trying to elect people friendly to farmers.  Political arm of the Farmer ’ s Alliance.  Hurt the Democrat party.


51  Government began coining silver but it did little good for farmers.  Government had stopped in 1873. “ Crime of ’ 73. ”

52  People ’ s party nominee for President.

53  Spelled out the Populist ’ s goals.

54 1. Unlimited coinage of silver. “ Vast conspiracy against mankind. ” 2. Federal ownership of railroads. 3. Graduated income tax. Wealthy pay more. 4. Strengthened the government to fight greedy businesses.

55  Grover Cleveland won again.  Most industry workers stayed with the Democrats.  Weaver won four states.

56 Benjamin Harrison Grover Cleveland James Weaver


58  Major economic depression.  Businesses, banks closed.  4.6 million unemployed.

59  Believed American currency should be based on gold.

60  Wanted unlimited coinage of silver.  Would solve nation ’ s problems.


62  Democratic candidate for President. Supported many Populist ideas.  Populists backed Bryan for President. Identified Populist cause as a “ Holy cause. ”  Traveled widely.



65  Ran against Bryan.  Traveled little, won support of workers and business owners.


67  McKinley won convincingly.  Depression ended shortly after, gold supplies increased and Populism declined.  Eventually many of their reforms were passed.

68 William McKinley William Jennings Bryan


70  Based the U.S. currency on gold.  Silver issue faded.

71  WB p. 84-87

72  WB p. 87  Prepare for the SATP

73  Question is asked  Students write on white boards  Students stand up and put their heads together  Show answers and reach a consensus  Students sit down  Teacher selects a student number  Students with that number show their answers






79 Last Question


81  Washington.

82  The Gold Standard

83  Short for “ounce.”


85  Young and Naïve.  The American people.

86  Northern factory worker. Becomes a machine without a heart.

87  Uneducated midwestern farmer.  Needs a brain.

88  William Jennings Bryan. Couldn’t win when it mattered most. Needed the nerve.

89  Ordinary Americans. The little people.

90  Dangers faced by factory workers.

91  Dangers faced by farmers on the Plains. Drought, weather, etc.

92  Power of silver coinage.

93  Standardized Test Practice p. 227 #1-3

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