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G063 - Standards & Protocols. Learning Objectives: By the end of this topic you will be able to: explain the importance of standards for communicating.

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Presentation on theme: "G063 - Standards & Protocols. Learning Objectives: By the end of this topic you will be able to: explain the importance of standards for communicating."— Presentation transcript:

1 G063 - Standards & Protocols

2 Learning Objectives: By the end of this topic you will be able to: explain the importance of standards for communicating between devices explain how protocols are used to enable communication between devices Synoptic objective: explain why network standards are required

3 Importance of Standards if you purchase a device from one manufacturer – you expect it to work with similar devices from another manufacturer To make this possible: network devices need a standard method of communication –can’t all use their own ‘language’ they wouldn’t be able to communicate or transfer data need a set of rules - a protocol

4 Protocols a standard set of rules that enable devices to communicate with each other used to ensure the proper transfer of data between devices –by defining how data is transferred

5 How protocols are used within a network. define what control signals are used used to indicate the sending device has finished sending determine error checking to be used determine any compression methods indicates destination address used to indicate the receiving device has received data Examples: TCP/IP defines how signals are sent across the Internet enabling users to communicate with each other SMTP governs the sending of emails between devices

6 Different Protocols TCP/IP –used for Internet communication. “Wi-Fi” –wireless networking protocol –802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n variants GSM/GPRS/3G –mobile phone protocols –for voice, SMS, Internet, data Bluetooth –protocol for short-range wireless communication –between ‘phones, headsets, computers

7 Different Protocols MIDI –used to connect electronic musical instruments and computers SWIFT –used by Banks in 8,000 financial institutions in 206 countries –to exchange financial transaction data. NMEA –GPS protocol for satellite navigation

8 Why have Protocols? communication will be transparent to the user, –user doesn’t need to know anything about “how” the hardware and software involved at each end of the communication may be very different –communication still takes place –systems can be from different manufacturers/providers hardware and software developers can develop systems that they know will sell –because they comply with clearly defined & agreed standards.

9 What is a Standard?[2] One from, two marks each; a set of rules used to ensure the correct transfer of data between devices a set of rules to allow devices to work together a benchmark that ensures minimum performance level

10 Why are Standards important? [4] devices can be purchased from different manufactures –and are known to work together allows competition between manufacturers –giving better value for money / lower price –better choice –innovation performance level guaranteed –know performance will meet requirements –no need to test yourself

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