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 Sep. 12 th, 1859 - Feb. 17 th, 1932  Father: William Darrah Kelly  Mother: Caroline Bartram Bonsall  Siblings: two brothers, five sisters  Education:

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Presentation on theme: " Sep. 12 th, 1859 - Feb. 17 th, 1932  Father: William Darrah Kelly  Mother: Caroline Bartram Bonsall  Siblings: two brothers, five sisters  Education:"— Presentation transcript:


2  Sep. 12 th, 1859 - Feb. 17 th, 1932  Father: William Darrah Kelly  Mother: Caroline Bartram Bonsall  Siblings: two brothers, five sisters  Education: Cornell University University of Zurich Northwestern University

3  Develop maternal & child health services  Reform child labor  Enforce mandatory school attendance  Provide protective legislation for working women  Establish minimum wage laws  Legalize a 10-hour working day for women

4 Child Labor Reform Midnight tour of factories Saw young boys working in making glass & steel Child Health Services Mother’s painstaking grief Only survivor of five other little girls from her mother

5  Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics, held factory inspector position  Intercollegiate Socialist Society, president from 1913-1920  National Woman Suffrage Association, served as Vice President  National Consumers’ League (NCL), served as Secretary, headed for 34 years

6  New York Child Labor Committee  National Child Labor Committee  National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)  Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom  Women’s Trade Union League

7  Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906  Children’s Bureau of 1912  Sheppard-Towner Maternity & Infancy Protection Act of 1921  Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938  Supreme Court ruling in Muller vs. Oregon

8  Gave lectures at the Hull House  Wrote essays on socialism & industrial problems  Published ‘Some Ethical Gains Through Legislation’ (1905) & ‘Modern Industry in Relation to the Family, Health, Education, Morality’ (1914)  Organized 60 different leagues in 20 states, plus 2 international conferences

9 Kennedy, David M., ELizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant A History of the Republic Advanced Placement Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. Print. "Florence Kelley: A Commitment to Social Work." Webster University. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.. "Florence Kelley -- A Woman of Fierce Fidelity." Boise State University. Web. 16 Feb. 2010..

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