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Three Types of Learning. And their technological sides.

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1 Three Types of Learning. And their technological sides

2 Beliefs! Behavior can be modified through conditioning so a learner can be conditioned to exert desired response. The mind has 3 different memory stores that work in succession to register, process, store and retrieve information. Learners should participate in activities that are meaningful so learners can generate their own knowledge Links to wrong answers would have horrible sounds and gross images. Links to correct answers result in good images. Educational software used to develop prerequisite skills. Multi-media, student- created presentations used to foster cooperative group work. Behaviorism Information Processes Constructivism Click on a theory to learn more. My Power Point Reasoning

3 Behaviorism Classical Conditioning- Pavlovs dog. If you ring a bell before feeding the animal after time he will associate the sound with food and salivate at the sound. Pavlov Dog ExperimentPavlov Dog Experiment Operant Conditioning- a cause and effect relationship. Behavior can be modified. Here’s how…

4 Information Processes Information Processes use the computer to represent the human mind. It uses 5 strategies for retention of information. Believes that technology can be used to solidify knowledge. E.g. Minute Math Try it out! See if you learn by Information ProcessesSee if you learn by Information Processes Strategies for Retention

5 Constructivism Constructivists believe that learners learn from personal experience. They believe that people learn from meaningful activities. Here are some classroom possibilities.

6 Behaviorism Reinforcements Positive Reinforcements- Positive Rewards for positive actions. Negative Reinforcements- Negative stimuli to encourage positive behavior. Punishments- Negative Stimuli to deter negative behavior Behaviorism

7 Strategies for Retention Rehearsal- Saying it over and over. Organizing- Grouping. E.g. (area code) phone number Elaborating- This number is one number off her’s Imagery- learning by the numbers on the number pad Schema- same prefix through town. So you only need to know the last 4 digits. Information Processes

8 My Power Point Reasoning I picked this power point design because I found it interesting, yet easy to read. I found that the multiple use of the buttons allowed for a continual stimulus to retain attention. I used the Layout in the slide on Behaviorism because I found it made the slide less cluttered. I used the simplified, concise, bullet points to allow for auditory extrapolations. Power Point on the WebPower Point on the Web I tried to create my own slide design for this power point but had issues getting it to transfer from photo shop.

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