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3 Learner Transport Policy The Department of Transport and in collaboration with the Department of Basic Education developed the Draft Learner Transport Policy through a consultative process. The draft policy was approved by the Ministers of Basic Education and Transport. The policy was presented to Cabinet and was approved for public comments. On 13 November 2014, the policy was published for public comments. Comments closed 03 December 2014; An interdepartmental committee was established to analyse the comments and to finalise the policy for approval 3

4 Objectives –To improve access to quality education by providing safe, decent, effective, and integrated sustainable learner transport –To improve access to quality education through a coordinated and aligned transport system; –To improve planning and implementation of an integrated learner transport service –To manage and oversee the implementation of an integrated learner transport service. –To ensure an effective management of learner transport system. –To provide for a safe and secure transport environment for learners through co-operation and collaboration with law enforcement authorities.

5 Status Quo –Unroadworthy vehicles; –Learners walking long distances; –Uncoordinated learner transport planning; – Non standardized tariff formula; –Insufficient management capacity –Insufficient monitoring

6 Desired outcomes –Timely delivery of service –Rate of road accidents reduced; –A coordinated approach in relation to planning and implementation –Learner transport operators that adhere to road traffic regulations –Vehicle maintenance plan and technical support for emergencies –Viable and sustainable operations –Uniformity of services and tariff structure –A coherent performance monitoring system

7 Policy Focus Central to the policy is how to effectively and efficiently manage learner transport operations, in a manner that supports access to education by learners by focussing on :  The quality of vehicles;  Performance and conduct of learners transport operators;  Enhancing road traffic discipline;  Ensuring effective learner transport planning;  Ensuring alignment and integration of transport operations and educational needs.

8 Scope of application The policy applies for the transportation of learners from Grade R-12, including learners with disabilities as defined by SASA(1996) and includes:  Service standards and procedures;  Route accessibility and design;  Safety specifications and vehicle design;  Capacity building and skills development;  Close collaboration and monitoring of the implementing agencies..

9 Institutional Frameworks The DBE and DoT will jointly oversee the implementation of the policy in consultation of relevant stakeholders including provinces, municipalities and School Governing Bodies (SGBs). A National Inter-Departmental Committee (NIDC) will be established to oversee and monitor the implementation of the policy. The NIDC shall comprise of the representatives from the National Department of Transport, Department of Basic education and provinces. The NIDC will report to the Ministers of Transport and Basic Education on the overall implementation of the learner transport programmes.

10 Institutional Frameworks At provincial and local level, institutional mechanism will be established to foster integrated planning, effective monitoring and delivery of learner transport services. All relevant stakeholders will be part of these structure including the provincial Departments of Transport and Education, School Governing Bodies (SGBs), municipalities and law enforcement authorities. Planning of learner transport must be discussed at provincial and municipal planning structures to ensure that it is integrated within the provincial strategies and municipalities in terms of the Provincial Land Transport Frameworks (PLTFs) and Integrated Transport Plans (ITPs). These must take into account road safety measures, transport infrastructure and other operational matters that have an impact on the delivery of learner transport services

11 Types of Services There are various service types through which learner transport can be provided. The mainstream public transport must be used to transport learners where possible including Integrated Public Transport Networks systems and conventional municipal bus services and midi/minibus type services. The service types include :

12 Types of Services Dedicated Learner Transport Service Subsidised group: These are operators who are providing a dedicated learner transport service and are receiving subsidy from the Department of Education and or Department of Transport. Learners are picked up and dropped off at designated points. Non-subsidised group: These are operators who are rendering a dedicated learner transport service and who are not receiving subsidy from either the Provincial Department of Education or the Provincial Department of Transport. Class i: These operators enter into contractual agreements with the parents and are performing a door-to-door service. Changing and fixed fees are payable on monthly basis and this is done at the beginning of every new month. Class ii: These operators have special arrangements with the learners who organise themselves into groupings and are picked up and dropped off at designated points. Learners pay fares on a per trip basis

13 Types of Services Non-dedicated Service Subsidized group: These are operators who are providing general public transport services and are transporting learners with special subsidised tickets. Non-subsidised group: These are operators who are rendering a non-dedicated learner transport service and transporting learners without any government subsidies The implementation of the national policy takes into account the distinct operational differences of these types of services. Challenges in the area of privately dedicated learner transport operations remain one of the issues that the policy is addressing. These issues includes amongst the use of unauthorised operators to transport learners; unroadworthy vehicles and the use of Light Delivery Vehicles (LDVs).

14 Types of Services The policy seeks to ensure that learner transport is integrated into the mainstream public transport services in terms of the Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) in both rural and urban areas. Dedicated subsidised learner transport services will continue to be implemented in areas where there are no public transport services. The provisions of this policy in as far safe transportation of learners will apply in all types of services. The legislative requirements in terms of the National Land Transport Act (NLTA), National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) and its regulations are applicable to this services pertaining to the fitness of drivers and vehicles; The implementing department after consultation with relevant stakeholders will determine the type of services that is appropriate for their area of jurisdiction and for the beneficiaries. These operators shall comply with all the requirements of Learner Transport they shall display livery on their vehicles

15 Policy areas Learner transport planning –A joint planning committee on learner transport with representatives of the Provincial Department of Transport (PDOT) Provincial Department of Education (PDE), Municipalities must be established. Learner transport planning must start with determination of transport needs, transport infrastructure and facilities, drop- off and pickup points and others. This information should feed into the development of provincial learner transport strategies and Municipal Integrated Transport plans to ensure alignment and integration with other public transport programmes Learner transport safety and security –Learner transport vehicles used to transport learners have to meet the safety requirements of the National Road Traffic Act (Act No. 93 of 1996) applicable to the transportation of passengers. –Dedicated learner transport vehicles shall be easily identifiable and marked. This shall make it easy for law enforcement agencies and other road users to notice vehicles transporting learners in terms of regulation 42 of the NLTA –Provincial Departments of Transport, National Traffic Police Unit and municipalities shall ensure that there is sufficient and efficient law enforcement to monitor these operators. Punitive measures shall be taken against operators that transport learners without regard to the National Road Traffic Regulations in unroadworthy vehicles and overloading 15

16 Policy areas The Department of Transport together with the Department of Basic Education shall develop a code of conduct for drivers and learners. The code of conduct shall contain details of the expected behaviour and measures for dealing with non-complying drivers and learners, procedures and responses in the case of emergencies including accidents, theft, hijackings and when a learner is seriously ill Criteria for learner transport beneficiaries Provincial departments of Education shall be responsible for the selection of learners to benefit from the subsidised learner transport service. Learners shall be integrated to public transport system or Integrated Public Transport networks (IPTNs) wherever it is available. Criteria shall not discriminate against gender and race, and will not deny access for learners from disadvantaged communities. Principals, after consultation with the School Governing Bodies (SGBs) must identify learner transport beneficiaries. 16

17 Policy areas Service design for learner transport –The implementing departments in consultation with other relevant stakeholders must design a well-defined learner transport service which includes roads infrastructure, pick-up/drop off points/stops and signage for the safe transportation of learners. This service designs should contain detailed route descriptions, vehicle types, timetables, trip cost, trip length, travel time, stops and ranking information. Procurement of subsidised learner transport services –The implementing department must ensure that learner transport services are undertaken according to procurement legislation and Treasury regulations –Only authorised operators with approved modes of transport may be contracted for the learner transport provision. –The duration of learner transport contracts will be to the maximum of seven (7) years as contemplated in the National Land Transport Act, No 05 of 2009. Contract duration may vary from short to long term depending on the merit of the services. 17

18 Policy areas Remuneration of subsidised learner transport operators –A standardised measure of remuneration for subsidised learner transport shall be based on total kilometres travelled. Factors such as road conditions and travel distances shall determine the cost of a service. Funding –Funding is critical to ensure that learner transport services are rendered on an on-going basis. The function will be funded through the fiscus by Provincial Treasuries. However, an option of creating a conditional grant for subsidised learner transport will continue to be pursued. Modal Integration –Implementing department must promote the use of all modes in the transportation of learners, including cycling. Measures must be taken to ensure that all modes are integrated and complement one another. Planning authorities and transport advisory committees are essential in integrating public transport services and land use patterns. 18

19 Policy areas Universal design –Vehicles transporting learners must adhere to the requirements and principle of universal design, especially those that are transporting learners with disabilities. All processes involved from planning to implementation must take cognisance of learners with disabilities and meet the required support. Law Enforcement –Provincial Departments of Transport and municipalities shall ensure that there is sufficient and efficient law enforcement to monitor these operators. Punitive measures should be taken against operators that transport learners without regard to the national road traffic regulation in unroadworthy vehicles and overloading. Provincial Departments of Transport must work closely with Local Government to ensure that operators comply with the safety measures provided in the NRTR and NLTR legislated by the Department of Transport. Monitoring and evaluation –The relevant structures at national, provincial and local shall perform monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the policy objectives. Furthermore, an independent assessment shall be undertaken every three years on the impact of programme implementation. –Department of Transport, Basic Education and provincial departments of Transport and Education shall be responsible for promoting and communicating the objectives of the policy to public and other spheres of government 19

20 Way forward The learner transport policy provides a collaborative, uniform and integrated national framework for the governance and management of scholar transport in the country. On approval, a framework for the implementation of the scholar transport system will be provided. Those elements of the policy which require only administrative action will be implemented immediately. Major policy changes from existing practice would be done in a phased manner.

21 Interventions Dept of Transport to engage with different law enforcement agencies to address issues of overcrowding and unroadworthy vehicles, Joint intervention and monitoring teams at national, provincial and local level constituted; Road safety programmes in conjunction with the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC); Develop and enforce driver and learner code of conduct; Training and education for learner transport drivers; school governing bodies, educators and parents. 21

22 Website: Call Centre: 0800 202 933 | Twitter: @DBE_SA | Facebook: DBE SA END


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